FINS Payments Front-end Web UI - Source

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This asset is a component of the MuleSoft Accelerator for Financial Services, which accelerates the implementation of essential integration use cases.

The solution boosts time-to-value in your customer 360 initiatives with pre-built APIs, templates, and reference architecture for financial services. Our foundational assets are expertly designed to jumpstart your top integration and business initiatives so that IT teams can spend more time innovating and less time building from scratch.

This asset provides a dockerized Web User Interface that can be used to demonstrate various Payment executions. See the project readme file for more details about the application itself.

Deploying and configuring the application

The application can be deployed as a Docker container as follows:

  • Run the script to build and tag the image from the supplied Dockerfile.
  • Run to deploy the container and setup network ports.
  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view the home page in the browser.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onOct 28, 2022
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.3.x

Asset versions