FINS Databricks Engagements System API - Implementation Template

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This API implementation template is a component of MuleSoft Accelerators, which accelerate the implementation of essential integration use cases.

The solution includes pre-built APIs, connectors, and integration templates that help unlock business-critical data from external systems and guide you in adopting best practices synthesized from thousands of customer implementations. Use these assets as is or extend them to meet your company’s unique needs.


This integration template implements the FINS Engagements Data Cloud System API specification.

This system API provides functionality to create and retrieve web engagement data from Databricks.

Getting started

bulb.png The Getting Started with MuleSoft Accelerators guide provides general information on getting started with the accelerator components. This includes instructions on setting up your local workstation for configuring and deploying the applications.

Once your workstation has been set up and the application template imported into Anypoint Studio, proceed with the Prerequisites section.


This implementation template assumes that a Databricks instance is created with all the necessaery permissions to create a cluster. It has the following dependencies:

  • Create a Cluster
  • Configure a Database

Please review the use cases described on the MuleSoft Accelerator for Financial Services solution pages for more information about dependencies on other APIs and services.

Create a Cluster in Databricks

Refer this link for detailed instructions on creating a cluster in Databricks.

Note: In Databricks Community Edition, the cluster will automatically terminate after an idle period of two hours.

Configure a database in Databricks

  1. To delete the schema (this is to ensure that the tables do not exist prior to creating them), download the file /src/test/resources/scripts/ into your local.
  2. In the Workspace or a user folder, click Down Caret and select Import.
  3. Select the file downloaded in step #1
  4. Click on Run All
  5. To create the schema execute the commands in /src/test/resources/scripts/create-web-engagements-schema.sql by following the steps 1 to 4.


Each Accelerator implementation template in Exchange includes Bash and Windows scripts for building and deploying the APIs to CloudHub. These scripts depend on repositories, global settings, deployment profiles, and associated properties configured in the Maven settings.xml file.

For additional details, please refer to the Application Deployment section of the Getting Started Guide.


Ensure the Maven profile CloudHub-FINS-DEV has been properly configured in your settings.xml file. In particular, make sure the common properties for your environment have been provided (e.g., Anypoint Platform client ID and secret).

Required property overrides

At a minimum, the following properties must be customized to reflect the target deployment environment.

Property NameDescription
api.autodiscoveryIDRequired if using API Manager to secure this API
databricks.cluster.jdbcurlDatabricks JDBC Clutser URL
databricks.cluster.httppathDatabricks JDBC Clutser HTTP Path
databricks.cluster.usernameDatabricks instance username
databricks.cluster.passwordDatabricks instance password


Use Advanced Rest Client or Postman to send a request over HTTPS. The template includes a Postman collection in the src/test/resources folder. Update the collection variable(s) after successful import.

Additional resources


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
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