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Experience layer API for use of sending data to the ORMS system.

ODIS-integrationen ska returnera följande statuskoder:

API Documentation:

Endpoint: /odis/case-creation and /odis/case-update

Description: This API integrates with the Central Health Authority (CHA) system to create and update cases. The API returns various status codes to indicate the outcome of the request.

HTTP Methods:

  • POST /odis/case-creation : Creates a new case in the CHA system.
  • POST /odis/intraop-case-update : Updates an existing intraOp case in the CHA system.
  • POST /odis/postop-case-update : Updates an existing postOp case in the CHA system.
  • POST /odis/pure-postop-case : Creates a new pure postOp case in the CHA systemRequest Parameters:


case_data Yes JSON The data to create or update a case in the CHA system.

Response Codes:

Additional Error Codes:

Note: These error codes are sent by APIKIT if there is an error in the request validation or authorization.
