API Access
To start consume an API, the access must be requested and manually approved by Fidelidade. To request access to an API follow these steps:
1- Login into the portal with the account previously created for your organization.
2- Search and Access the main page of the API.
3- Click in the ‘Request Access’ button.
Important: If the user is authenticated and the 'Request Access' button is not available, it's because the API is not yet ready for consumption on any of the Fidelidade public environments. Please contact Fidelidade to know when the API will be available for consumption at least in Sandbox Environment.
3- On the popup select:
- API Instance: Choose target Environment: Sandbox/Tests or Production.
- Application: Choose your MuleSoft Application (Credentials). Create them if none exists (SEE SECTION BELOW).
Important: When targeting Sandbox Environment you must select the non productive application. When targeting Production Environment you must select the productive application.
- SLA Tier: Choose the Service Level Agreement that will impose some limits when calling the API. By default only the Standard tier will be available.
Important: Partners should adjust their procedures to comply with the rate limits imposed by the Standard Tier. The access to a higher tier must be carefully analysed and coordinated with Fidelidade.
Important: When not complying with the limits imposed by the SLA Tier the requests to the API will return the HTTP Status 429 (Too Many Requests)
4- Click on 'Request Access'.
5- Contact Fidelidade to inform that it must manually approve the request and ask for the complete API endpoints which are not publicly disclosed in Developer Portal.
Creating a new MuleSoft Application
Mulesoft Applications are registered API Consumers identified by name, description and a set of credentials (client_id and client_secret). Only authorized Mulesoft Applications are allowed to make requests to a given API, so client_id and client_secret values must be sent as HTTP headers on every call to the API.
Each Fidelidade partner should have only 2 registered Applications: one for accessing the Sandbox Environment and another for accessing the Production environment.
The creation of these applications is made by the partner, when requesting access for the first API on each environment, by selecting 'Create new application' from the "Request Access" popup window.
- Application Name: Identifies the partner. Should conform to the following format:
B2B-PartnerNameInUpperCamelCase-nonprod - (for tests/sandbox environment). Example: B2B-GreatCompany-nonprod
B2B-PartnerNameInUpperCamelCase - (for production environment). Example: B2B-GreatCompany
- Description: Organization complete description and contacts information for business or technical issues (e.g. maintenance tasks).
You can check your applications and its respective Client ID and Secrets in the My Applications page after logging in. Please note that this section only appears if at least 1 application was previously created.