API specification summary
This API is intended to be used by consumers to retrieve information about the security, contracts and operations related with policies.
API flow
Use Cases
- POST: /gis-documents
- Creates a static document
The API is exposed over the HTTP protocol. With Client Id Enforcement, client id and secret are supplied with each request.
Application Logging
The out-of-the-box logger component offered by Mule Runtime is easy to use and understand, however, it hardly enforces any standards and it does not facilitate the creation of structured logs.
The implemented logging solution has the ability to log all the steps of message processing within a Mulesoft flow, with a full-fledged JSON message in each of the logging steps.
This eases up the software development lifecycles as developers will not need to worry about or spend time setting correlation IDs, tracepoints, calculate elapsed times, and every other single piece of data that can be derived from the environment or from MEL/ Dataweave expressions.
This API uses the common Mule Logger Foundational Asset. For more information please refer to
Error Handling
The health underwriting os sapi REST API responds with standard HTTP status codes, with 2 responses indicating a success, 4 responses indicating a client error, and 5** indicating a server error. Notice that this specification does not specify common error responses like 500 (internal server error) or 401 (unauthorized) for the individual resource operations. Clients should however be capable of handling such responses.
The API uses the common Error Handler Foundational Asset. For more information please refer to