This API can be used to perform operations related to Life Assurance Homebanking.
As an example, it can be used to retrieve product configurations, create subscriptions, create reinforcements, and others describe below.
CGD HomeBanking
Use Cases
method GET that list all products available for CGD homebanking
method GET that returns configurations for life products (operation subscription) from savings group type
method GET that returns configurations for life products (operation other than subscription) from savings group type
method POST that validates data subscription. If true, data is valid for submission.
method POST that validates data other than subscription. If true, data is valid for submission.
method POST that submits data for the subscription operation
method POST that submits data for operations other than subscription
method GET that returns the status eligibility for a client
method GET that returns the PDF for a document. There area three types of document: IPC, CG and PROP (PROPosta).
method POST that confirms an operation. This operation usually occurs after payment conditions are confirmed by CGD.
method GET that returns a list of policies for an entity
method GET that returns the policy detail
This section indicates how the connection with the API is achieved and regarding the output of the same.
he API is exposed over the HTTP protocol.
The API requires client application authentication and authorization through client_id and client_secret HTTP headers.
The communication with the API is performed over HTTP.
Moreover, all requests are performed applying a Client ID Enforcement policy, enabling only authorized consumers to access the API resources.
SLA Tiers
The Standard SLA tier allows you to perform up to X requests per minute on the resources of this API.
If your needs exceed these limits, please contact Fidelidade to negotiate access to a higher SLA tier.
Application Logging
The out-of-the-box logger component offered by Mule Runtime is easy to use and understand, however it hardly enforces any standards and it does not facilitate the creation of structured logs.
The implemented logging solution has the ability to log all the steps of message processing within a Mulesoft flow, with a full fledged JSON message in each of the logging steps.
This eases up the software development lifecycles as developers will not need to worry about or spend time setting correlation IDs, tracepoints, calculate elapsed times, and every other single piece of data that can be derived from the environment or from MEL/ Dataweave expressions.
This API uses the common Mule Logger Foundational Asset. For more information please refer to
Error Handling
Successful requests to the API will return a 2xx status code.
When an error occurs, the API will respond with a status code in the 4xx or 5xx group, enforcing the standard HTTP status codes.
As for the error structure, the API uses a standard structure, that contains the details of the error itself.
Consumers can use the details present in this standard structure to help troubleshoot errors.
In particular, the correlationId can be used by Fidelidade to internally identify the request chain that caused the error.
The following is an example of said structure:
"errorCode": 500,
"correlationId": "8a9cd990-4888-11ec-8f20-005056b5e555",
"timeStamp": "2021-11-18T15:59:42Z",
"description": "The description of the error",
"detailedDescription": "Further details of the error",
"externalError": ""