v.1.0.1 - Add new resource GET /{businessType}/files
v.1.1.0 - Add new resource POST /events
v.1.1.1 - Fix displayName tag
v.1.1.2 - Fix description tag
v.1.1.3 - set customer as mandatory structure
v.1.2.0 - Remove POST /events resource to split to another api (es-fid-common-meetingdoctors-b2b-xapi) due to constraints on supporting client enforcement
v.1.2.1 - Add new resource GET /providers/{policyId}
v.1.2.3 - add new resource POST /providers/claims to record a gurantee policy change and date from meeting doctors
v.1.2.4 - add from previous version the providerId queryParameter
v.1.2.5 - add new input query param (sub-process) for Santa Lucia
v.1.3.0 - Add new Resource POST /journal/accounts to persist accounts from Santa Lucia to GIS (via .csv file)