Please find the APIs supported by each entity of BOI...

Key Description
Live Available on our API Platform
NA Not applicable - functionality not available on channel
FV Future version - on our road map for a future version release
TBC To be confirmed
TBD To be decommissioned
Note: UK Post Office Current Accounts have been discontinued, with all accounts now closed. Access to these Accounts will not be made available via APIs. Post Office and AA Credit Cards provided by Bank Of Ireland UK are being sold to a new Credit Card issuer. Access to Accounts will not be available on these Credit Card portfolios until enabled by the new card issuer.


BOI API Endpoints

BOI Sandbox

Production APIs

Bank of Ireland (ROI) Bank of Ireland UK
365 online BOL 365 online BOL
DCR v3.3 POST /register Live TBC Live
PUT /register/{ClientId} Live TBC Live
DCR v1.2.0 POST /register Live Live NA
AISP v3.1.8 POST /account-access-consents Live Live Live Live Live
GET /account-access-consents/{ConsentId} Live Live Live Live Live
DELETE /account-access-consents/{ConsentId} Live Live Live Live Live
GET /accounts Live Live Live Live Live
GET /accounts/{AccountId} Live Live Live Live Live
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/balances Live Live Live Live Live
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/transactions Live Live Live Live Live
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/beneficiaries Live NA NA Live Live
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/product Live NA NA Live NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/scheduled-payments Live NA NA Live Live
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/standing-orders Live NA NA Live NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements Live NA NA Live NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId}/file Live NA NA Live NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId} NA NA NA NA NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/statements/{StatementId}/transactions NA NA NA NA NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/parties NA NA NA NA NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/party NA NA NA NA NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/direct-debits NA NA NA NA NA
GET /accounts/{AccountId}/offers NA NA NA NA NA
PISP v3.1.8 POST /domestic-payment-consents Live Live Live Live Live
GET /domestic-payment-consents/{ConsentId} Live Live Live Live Live
GET /domestic-payment-consents/{ConsentId}/funds-confirmation Live Live Live Live Live
POST /domestic-payments Live Live Live Live Live
GET /domestic-payments/{DomesticPaymentId} Live Live Live Live Live
POST /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents Live Live FV Live Live
GET /domestic-scheduled-payment-consents/{ConsentId} Live Live FV Live Live
POST /domestic-scheduled-payments Live Live FV Live Live
GET /domestic-scheduled-payments/{DomesticScheduledPaymentId} Live Live FV Live Live
POST /domestic-standing-order-consents Live NA NA Live NA
GET /domestic-standing-order-consents/{ConsentId} Live NA NA Live NA
POST /domestic-standing-orders Live NA NA Live NA
GET /domestic-standing-orders/{DomesticStandingOrderId} Live NA NA Live NA
POST /file-payment-consents Live NA Live NA Live
POST /file-payment-consents/{ConsentId}/file Live NA Live NA Live
GET /file-payment-consents/{ConsentId} Live NA Live NA Live
GET /file-payment-consents/{ConsentId}/file NA NA NA NA NA
POST /file-payments Live NA Live NA Live
GET /file-payments/{FilePaymentId} Live NA Live NA Live
GET /file-payments/{FilePaymentId}/report-file Live NA Live NA NA
POST /international-payment-consents Live FV FV FV FV
GET /international-payment-consents/{ConsentId} Live FV FV FV FV
GET /international-payment-consents/{ConsentId}/funds-confirmation Live FV FV FV FV
POST /international-payments Live FV FV FV FV
GET /international-payments/{InternationalPaymentId} Live FV FV FV FV
POST /international-scheduled-payment-consents Live NA FV NA FV
GET /international-scheduled-payment-consents/{ConsentId} Live NA FV NA FV
GET /international-scheduled-payment-consents/{ConsentId}/funds-confirmation Live NA NA NA NA
POST /international-scheduled-payments Live NA FV NA FV
GET /international-scheduled-payments/{InternationalScheduledPaymentId} Live NA FV NA FV
POST /international-standing-order-consents NA NA NA NA NA
GET /international-standing-order-consents/{ConsentId} NA NA NA NA NA
POST /international-standing-orders NA NA NA NA NA
GET /international-standing-orders/{InternationalStandingOrderId} NA NA NA NA NA
CBPII v3.1.8 POST /funds-confirmation-consents Live Live Live Live Live
GET /funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId} Live Live Live Live Live
DELETE /funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId} Live Live Live Live Live
POST /funds-confirmations Live Live Live Live Live
Event Notification API v3.1.8 POST /event-subscriptions Live Live Live Live Live
GET/event-subscriptions Live Live Live Live Live
PUT/event-subscriptions/{EventSubscriptionId} NA NA NA NA NA
DELETE/event-subscriptions/{EventSubscriptionId} Live Live Live Live Live
POST/events Live Live Live Live Live
VRP v3.1.10 POST /domestic-vrp-consents Live NA NA Live Live
GET /domestic-vrp-consents/{ConsentId} Live NA NA Live Live
DELETE/domestic-vrp-consents/{ConsentId} Live NA NA Live Live
POST /domestic-vrp-consents{ConsentId}/funds-confirmation Live NA NA Live Live
POST /domestic-vrps Live NA NA Live Live
GET /domestic-vrps/{DomesticVRPId} Live NA NA Live Live