Salesforce to Salesforce, Workday, SAP and Database Account Broadcast
Synchronizes accounts between a Salesforce instance and many destination systems using the publish-subscribe pattern. Each time an account creates or changes, the integration polls for changes in the Salesforce source organization, publishes the changes to a topic, and each subscriber is responsible for updating the accounts in the target systems.
The application has four different batch jobs consuming this JMS topic, one each for broadcasting the changes to the four destination systems (the second Salesforce Org, Workday, SAP and the DB). During the Process stage, each Salesforce account is matched with an existing account in the destination system by Name. The last step of the Process stage groups the accounts and creates or updates them in the destination systems.
Finally during the On Complete stage the template logs output statistics data to the console.
Read more about the publish-subscribe pattern in this blog post.