RCG SAP ECC Customers System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

bapi-create-customer-requestCreate Customer Mapping for SAP System
bapi-get-list-of-customers-requestRetrieve Customers for SAP System request
bapi-retrieve-customer-by-customer-id-requestRetrive Customer by Customer Id
bapi-retrieve-customer-by-customer-id-responseQuery Customer from SAP System
bapi-retrieve-customer-by-date-range-requestRetrieve Customers by Date range from SAP System request
bapi-retrieve-customer-by-date-range-responseLookup Customer using date range from SAP System
bapi-retrieve-customer-by-email-requestRetrieve Customer by Customer email for SAP System request
bapi-retrieve-customer-by-master-id-requestRetrieve Customer by Customer email for SAP System request
bapi-retrieve-customer-by-master-id-responseQuery Customer from SAP System
bapi-retrieve-customers-by-email-responseQuery Customer from SAP System
bapi-update-customer-requestUpdate Customer Mapping for SAP System
bapi-update-customer-responseUpdate Customer Response mapping


Create Customer Mapping for SAP System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-create-customer-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to SAP Customer format. The Individual is the associated Party of the Customer object in CIM.

SAP - Create CustomerCIM - CustomerDescription
IV_CATEGORYpartyTypeThe partyType 1 for Individual 2 for organization and 3 for group
IV_FIRSTNAMEparty.firstNameThe firstname of the Individual
IV_LASTNAMEparty.lastNameThe lastname of the Individual
NAME1nameThe name of the Organization
IV_EMAILparty.contactPointEmail.emailAddressThe email address associated with ContactPointEmail of the Individual
IV_ADDRESS1party.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The address line 1 associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual
IV_ADDRESS2party.contactPointAddress.addressLine2The address line 2 associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual - default value "NA"
IV_CITYparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe city name associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual
IV_STATE"TX"The state name of the Individual - Set as "TX"
IV_COUNTRY"US"The country name of the Individual - Set as "US"
IV_POSTALCODEparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe postal code associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual
IV_TELNOparty.contactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe telephone number associated with ContactPointPhone of the Individual
IV_MASTER_IDparty.externalIdType.externalIdA unique identifier assigned to the customer in MDM system

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Retrieve Customers for SAP System request

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-get-list-of-customers-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to SAP Customer format. The Individual is the associated Party of the Customer object in CIM.

SAP - Create CustomerCIM - CustomerDescription
SIGNsignDefault to I
OPTIONoption.Default to BT
LOWcustomerStartIdCustomers Start Id
HIGHcustomerStartIdCustomers End Id

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Retrive Customer by Customer Id

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customer-by-customer-id-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to SAP Customer format. The Individual is the associated Party of the Customer object in CIM.

SAP - Create CustomerCIM - CustomerDescription
IV_SAP_CUSTOMERCustomerIdSAP Customer Id

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Query Customer from SAP System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customer-by-customer-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps SAP ZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3 function Response to CIM Customer format.

CIM - CustomerSAPDescription
idZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
partyRoleType"Customer"The party role type - Set as "Customer"
auditInfo.createdDateZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.CREATION_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was created "
auditInfo.createdByZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of wรhen the entity was last updated"
auditInfo.updatedByZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false
party[0].idZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
party[0].party[0]Type"Individual"The party type - Set as "Individual"
party[0].salutation""The Salutation of the customer - Set as ""
party[0].firstNameZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.FIRSTNAMEThe firstname of the Customer in SAP
party[0].lastNameZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.LASTNAMEThe last name of the customer
party[0].externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
party[0].contactPoints[0].contactPointType"ContactPointPhone"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointPhone"
party[0].contactPoints[0]telephoneNumberZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.TELNOThe telephone number of the Customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[0]idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[0].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[1].contactPointType"ContactPointEmail"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointEmail"
party[0].contactPoints[1].emailAddressZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.EMAILThe email address of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[1].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[1].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[2].contactPointType"ContactPointAddress"]The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointAddress"
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine1ZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.ADDRESS1The address line1 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine2ZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.ADDRESS2The address line 2 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].cityNameZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CITYThe City of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].postalCodeTextZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.POSTALCODEThe postal code of he customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].stateProvinceNameZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.STATEThe State province of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].countryNameZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.COUNTRYThe Country name of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[2].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
externalIds[0].externalIdZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
customerStatus"ACTIVE"The status of the Customer - Set as "Active"
customerNumberZBAPI_CUST_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe customer number stored in SAP

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Retrieve Customers by Date range from SAP System request

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customer-by-date-range-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to SAP Customer format. The Individual is the associated Party of the Customer object in CIM.

SAP - Create CustomerCIM - CustomerDescription
IV_BEGIN_DATEStartDateStart date to retrieve customers
IV_END_DATEEndDate.End Date to retrieve customers
IV_BEGIN_TIMEStartTimeStart Time to retrieve Customer with the combination of IV_BEGIN_DATE
IV_END_TIMEEndTimeEnd Time to retrieve Customer with the combination of IV_END_DATE

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Lookup Customer using date range from SAP System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customer-by-date-range-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps SAP ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_CD_V3 function response to CIM Customer format.

CIM - CustomerSAPDescriptionFor each item in ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_CD_V3.export.ET_item
iditem.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
partyRoleType"Customer"The party role type - Set as "Customer"
auditInfo.createdDateitem.CONTROL_DATA.CREATION_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was created "
auditInfo.createdByitem.CONTROL_DATA.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateitem.CONTROL_DATA.LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was last updated"
auditInfo.updatedByitem.CONTROL_DATA.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false
party[0].iditem.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
party[0].party[0]Type"Individual"The party type - Set as "Individual"
party[0].salutation""The Salutation of the customer - Set as ""
party[0].firstNameitem.FIRSTNAMEThe firstname of the Customer in SAP
party[0].personNameitem.FIRSTNAME item.LASTNAMEThe person name of the Customer
party[0].lastNameitem.LASTNAMEThe last name of the customer
party[0].externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIditem.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
party[0].contactPoints[0].contactPointType"ContactPointPhone"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointPhone"
party[0].contactPoints[0]telephoneNumberitem.TELNOThe telephone number of the Customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[0]idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[0].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[1].contactPointType"ContactPointEmail"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointEmail"
party[0].contactPoints[1].emailAddressitem.EMAILThe email address of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[1].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[1].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[2].contactPointType"ContactPointAddress"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointAddress"
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine1item.ADDRESS1The address line1 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine2item.ADDRESS2The address line 2 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].cityNameitem.CITYThe City of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].postalCodeTextitem.POSTALCODEThe postal code of he customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].stateProvinceNameitem.STATEThe State province of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].countryNameitem.COUNTRYThe Country name of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[2].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
externalIds[0].externalIditem.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
customerStatus"ACTIVE"The status of the Customer - Set as "Active"
customerNumberitem.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe customer number stored in SAP

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Retrieve Customer by Customer email for SAP System request

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customer-by-email-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to SAP Customer format. The Individual is the associated Party of the Customer object in CIM.

SAP - Create CustomerCIM - CustomerDescription
IV_E_MAILemailAddressCustomer Email Address

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Retrieve Customer by Customer email for SAP System request

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customer-by-master-id-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to SAP Customer format. The Individual is the associated Party of the Customer object in CIM.

SAP - Create CustomerCIM - CustomerDescription
IV_MASTER_IDexternalIdunique Global Id

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Query Customer from SAP System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customer-by-master-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps SAP ZBAPI_QUERY_V3 function response to CIM Customer format.

CIM - CustomerSAPDescription
idZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
partyRoleType"Customer"The party role type - Set as "Customer"
auditInfo.createdDateZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.CREATION_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was created "
auditInfo.createdByZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was last updated"
auditInfo.updatedByZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false
party[0].idZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
party[0].party[0]Type"Individual"The party type - Set as "Individual"
party[0].salutation""The Salutation of the customer - Set as ""
party[0].firstNameZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.FIRSTNAMEThe firstname of the Customer in SAP
party[0].personNameZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.FIRSTNAME ZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.LASTNAMEThe person name of the Customer
party[0].lastNameZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.LASTNAMEThe last name of the customer
party[0].externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
party[0].contactPoints[0].contactPointType"ContactPointPhone"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointPhone"
party[0].contactPoints[0].telephoneNumberZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.TELNOThe telephone number of the Customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[0]idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[0].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[1].contactPointType"ContactPointEmail"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointEmail"
party[0].contactPoints[1].emailAddressZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.EMAILThe email address of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[1].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[1].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[2].contactPointType"ContactPointAddress"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointAddress"
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine1ZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.ADDRESS1The address line1 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine2ZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.ADDRESS2The address line 2 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].cityNameZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CITYThe City of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].postalCodeTextZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.POSTALCODEThe postal code of he customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].stateProvinceNameZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.STATEThe State province of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].countryNameZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.COUNTRYThe Country name of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[2].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
externalIds[0].externalIdZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
customerStatus"ACTIVE"The status of the Customer - Set as "Active"
customerNumberZBAPI_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe customer number stored in SAP

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Query Customer from SAP System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-retrieve-customers-by-email-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps SAP ZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3 function response to CIM Customer format.

CIM - CustomerSAPDescription
idZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
partyRoleType"Customer"The party role type - Set as "Customer"
auditInfo.createdDateZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.CREATION_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was created "
auditInfo.createdByZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was last updated"
auditInfo.updatedByZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CONTROL_DATA.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false
party[0].idZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
party[0].party[0]Type"Individual"The party type - Set as "Individual"
party[0].salutation""The Salutation of the customer - Set as ""
party[0].firstNameZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.FIRSTNAMEThe firstname of the Customer in SAP
party[0].lastNameZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.LASTNAMEThe last name of the customer
party[0].externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
party[0].contactPoints[0].contactPointType"ContactPointPhone"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointPhone"
party[0].contactPoints[0]telephoneNumberZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.TELNOThe telephone number of the Customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[0]idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[0].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[1].contactPointType"ContactPointEmail"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointEmail"
party[0].contactPoints[1].emailAddressZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.EMAILThe email address of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[1].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[1].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[2].contactPointType"ContactPointAddress"The type of contact point - Set as "ContactPointAddress"
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine1ZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.ADDRESS1The address line1 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine2ZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.ADDRESS2The address line 2 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].cityNameZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CITYThe City of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].postalCodeTextZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.POSTALCODEThe postal code of he customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].stateProvinceNameZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.STATEThe State province of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].countryNameZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.COUNTRYThe Country name of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[2].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
externalIds[0].externalIdZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
externalIds[0].externalIdType"MDM"The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
customerStatus"ACTIVE"The status of the Customer - Set as "Active"
customerNumberZBAPI_ADDR_QUERY_V3.export.ES_CUSTOMERDATA.CUSTOM_FIELDS.SAP_CUSTOMERThe customer number stored in SAP

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Update Customer Mapping for SAP System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-update-customer-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM Customer to SAP Customer format. The Individual is the associated Party of the Customer object in CIM.

SAP - Update CustomerCIM - CustomerDescription
IV_CATEGORYpartyTypeThe partyType 1 for Individual 2 for organization and 3 for group
IV_FIRSTNAMEparty.firstNameThe firstname of the Individual
IV_LASTNAMEparty.lastNameThe lastname of the Individual
NAME1nameThe name of the Organization
IV_EMAILparty.contactPointEmail.emailAddressThe email address associated with ContactPointEmail of the Individual
IV_ADDRESS1party.contactPointAddress.addressLine1The address line 1 associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual
IV_ADDRESS2party.contactPointAddress.addressLine2The address line 2 associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual -Default value "NA"
IV_CITYparty.contactPointAddress.cityNameThe city name associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual
IV_STATE"TX"The state name of the Individual - Set as "TX"
IV_COUNTRY"US"The country name of the Individual - Set as "US"
IV_POSTALCODEparty.contactPointAddress.postalCodeTextThe postal code associated with ContactPointAddress of the Individual
IV_TELNOparty.contactPointPhone.telephoneNumberThe telephone number associated with ContactPointPhone of the Individual
IV_CUSTOMERidThe unique identifier of the customer in SAP system
IV_MASTER_IDparty.externalIdType.externalIdA unique identifier assigned to the customer in MDM system

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Update Customer Response mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/bapi-update-customer-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps SAP ZBAPI_CUST_QUERY function response to CIM Customer format.

CIM - CustomerSAPDescription
idZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
partyRoleType"Customer"The party role type - Set as "Customer"
auditInfo.createdDateZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3.export.ES_CONTROL_DATA.CREATION_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of when the entity was created "
auditInfo.createdByZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3.export.ES_CONTROL_DATA.CREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3.export.ES_CONTROL_DATA.LAST_UPDATE_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of wรhen the entity was last updated"
auditInfo.updatedByZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3.export.ES_CONTROL_DATA.UPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false
party[0].idpayload.ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_CUSTOMERThe identifier of the customer in SAP system
party[0].party[0]Type"Individual"The party type - Set as "Individual"
party[0].salutation""The Salutation of the customer - Set as ""
party[0].firstNameZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_FIRSTNAMEThe firstname of the Customer in SAP
party[0].personNameif (ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_FIRSTNAME != null and ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_LASTNAME != null) (ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_FIRSTNAME ++ " " ++ ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_LASTNAME) else ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_FIRSTNAMEThe person name of the Customer
party[0].lastNameZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_LASTNAMEThe last name of the customer
party[0].externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_MASTER_IDThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
party[0].externalIds[0].externalIdType["MDM"]The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
party[0].contactPoints[0].contactPointType["ContactPointPhone"]The type of contact point - Set as ["ContactPointPhone"]
party[0].contactPoints[0]telephoneNumberZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_TELNOThe telephone number of the Customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[0]idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[0].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[1].contactPointType["ContactPointEmail"]The type of contact point - Set as ["ContactPointEmail"]
party[0].contactPoints[1].emailAddressZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_EMAILThe email address of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[1].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[1].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
party[0].contactPoints[2].contactPointType["ContactPointAddress"]The type of contact point - Set as ["ContactPointAddress"]
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine1ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_ADDRESS1The address line1 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].addressLine2ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_ADDRESS2The address line 2 of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].cityNameZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_CITYThe City of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].postalCodeTextZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_POSTALCODEThe postal code of he customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].stateProvinceNameZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_STATEThe State province of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].countryNameZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_COUNTRYThe Country name of the customer in SAP
party[0].contactPoints[2].idnullThe identifier of the contact point stored in SAP - set as null
party[0].contactPoints[2].activeFromDatenow()The Date from which the contact point is active - Set as current date
externalIds[0].idnullThe identifier for the externalId entry - Set as null
externalIds[0].externalIdpayload.ZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV_CC_CUSTOMERThe external identifier of the Customer stored in SAP
externalIds[0].externalIdType["MDM"]The external identifier type - Set as "MDM"
customerStatus"ACTIVE"The status of the Customer - Set as "Active"
customerNumberZBAPI_CUSTOMER_V3."import".IV__CUSTOMERThe customer number stored in SAP

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onOct 18, 2022
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.2.x

Asset versions