RCG Marketo System API - Implementation Template

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Each implementation template relies on services or data in order to function.

Please review the use cases described on the MuleSoft Accelerator for Retail solution pages for more information about dependencies on other APIs and services.

The Adobe Marketo instance requires an Accelerator Default Template with an email template, Program, and Campaign because Marketo does not support any API or Connector call to add Smart and Flow filters to the Campaign created through MuleSoft.

Prerequisite set up

The following describes how to configure the Accelerator Default Template to add Smart and Flow filters.

  1. Create Adobe Marketo instance https://app-ab47.marketo.com/homepage/login.
  2. In Marketing Activities, right-click Default > New > New Campaign Folder to create the Accelerator Default Template Folder:

    Create a New Campaign Folder screenshot

  3. In the Accelerator Default Template Folder, select New > New Program to create a Default Program Folder:

    Create a New Program Folder screenshot

    a. Select Program Type as Default, Channel as List Import, and click Create:

    Create a New Program Folder screenshot

  4. In the Accelerator Default Program Folder, select Accelerator Default Program > New > New Local Asset > Smart Campaign > Finish to create the Accelerator Default Campaign for the Program:

    Create a Smart Campaign screenshot

    a. Select New Local Asset for the Smart Campaign:

    Create a Smart Campaign screenshot

    b. Select the Program Name and enter the Name of the Campaign:

    Create a Smart Campaign screenshot

  5. In Marketing Activities, select New > New Program > Finish to create a Default Email folder in the Accelerator Default Template Folder:

    Create a New Email Folder screenshot

    a. Enter Program Type as Email and Channel as Email Send:

    Create a New Email Folder screenshot

  6. In the Accelerator Default Email, select Accelerator Default Email > New > New Local Asset > Email > Finish to create the Accelerator Default Email Template:

    Create a New Email Template screenshot

    a. Select New Local Asset as Email:

    Create a New Email Template screenshot

    b. Enter a Name, and select any template to create an email template:

    Create a New Email Template screenshot

  7. Approve the Accelerator Default Email Template by clicking Default email template -> Email Actions -> Approve:

    Email Approve Screenshot

  8. In the Accelerator Default Campaign, select SmartList > Filters > SpecialFilters > Member of Program to select program members to run the campaign:

    Special Filters Screenshot

  9. In the Accelerator Default Campaign, select Flow > Marketing > Send Email to select email template for the campaign:

    Flow Filters Screenshot


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onMay 24, 2022
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