RCG B2C Customers System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

add-customer-addressB2C add customer address mapping
CimMappingB2C customer to CIM customer format
customer-address-updateB2C customer Address mapping
customer-profile-updateB2C customer Profile update mapping
register-customerB2C customer register customer mapping
retrieve-customers-mappingB2C retrieve customers mapping
update-customer-masterpartyroleIdB2C update customer Master party role Id mapping


B2C add customer address mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/add-customer-address.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM customer format to B2C Customer Address mapping

address1party.addressLine1The Address of the customer
address2party.address.addressLine2The Address of the customer
addressIdparty.nameThe Address Id of the customer
cityparty.cityNameThe customer city name
countryCodeUSThe country code of the customer defaulted to US
firstNameparty.firstNameThe FirstName of the customer
fullNameparty.personNameThe full name of the customer
creationDatetodays date timeHardcoded to Todays date
lastModifiedtodays date timeThe Hardcoded to Todays date
lastNameparty.lastNameThe Last name of the customer
postalCodeparty.postalCodeTextThe Postal code of the customer
preferredtruedefaulted to true
stateCodeaddress.stateProvinceNameThe State code of the customer
phoneaddress.contactPhoneThe phone number of the customer

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B2C customer to CIM customer format

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/CimMapping.dwl


fun enrichCimData (ccResponse)

Maps B2C customer to CIM customer format

CIMB2C customerDescription
customerStatuscredentials.enabledreturns boolean if true ACTIVE else INACTIVE
customerNumbercustomerNoThe customer number
partyRoleTypeCustomerThe partyRoleType Hardcoded as Customer
party.idcustomerNoThe customerNo
party.partyTypeIndividualHardcoded as Individual
party.firstNamefirstNameThe first name of the customer
party.lastNamelastNameThe last name of the customer
party.externalIds.idnullThe Id is hardcoded as null
party.externalIds.externalIdscustomerNoThe customer number
party.externalIds.externalIdTypeSALESFORCE_B2CThe externalId is of the SALESFORCE_B2C
party.externalIds.statusVALIDThe status of the customer set to VALID
party.externalIds.idnullThe Id is hardcoded as null
party.externalIds.externalIdsc_masterPartyRoleIdThe Master Id
party.externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe externalId is of the MDM
party.externalIds.statusVALIDThe status of the customer set to VALID
party.contactPoints.idnullHardcoded contact point Id to null
party.contactPoints.contactPointTypeContactPointEmailHardcoded the contactPointType to ContactPointEmail
party.contactPoints.activeFromDatecreationDatecreationDate to "yyyy-MM-dd"
party.contactPoints.emailAddressemailThe email address of the customer
party.contactPoints.idprimaryAddress.addressIdAddress Id of the customer
party.contactPoints.contactPointTypeContactPointAddressHardcoded the contactpointtype to ContactPointAddress
party.contactPoints.activeFromDatecreationDatecreationDate to "yyyy-MM-dd"
party.contactPoints.addressLine1primaryAddress.address1The Address of the customer
party.contactPoints.countryNameprimaryAddress.countryCodeThe country code of the customer
party.contactPoints.cityNameprimaryAddress.cityThe city of the customer
party.contactPoints.stateProvinceNameprimaryAddress.stateCodeThe state code of the customer
party.contactPoints.cityNameprimaryAddress.cityThe city of the customer
party.contactPoints.postalCodeTextprimaryAddress.postalCodeThe Postal code of the Individual
party.contactPoints.contactPhoneprimaryAddress.phoneThe phone number of the Individual
party.contactPoints.idnullHardcoded contact point Id to null
party.contactPoints.contactPointTypeContactPointPhoneHardcoded the ContactPointPhone to ContactPointEmail
party.contactPoints.activeFromDatecreationDatecreationDate to "yyyy-MM-dd"
party.contactPoints.telephoneNumbertelephoneNumberThe telephoneNumber of the Individual
party.contactPoints.primaryPhoneTypetypeDescribes the type of like BusinessHomeMobile
externalIds.idnullThe Id is hardcoded as null
externalIds.externalIdscustomerNoThe customer number
externalIds.externalIdTypeSALESFORCE_B2CThe externalId is of the SALESFORCE_B2C
externalIds.statusVALIDThe status of the customer set to VALID
externalIds.idnullThe Id is hardcoded as null
externalIds.externalIdsc_masterPartyRoleIdThe Master Id
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMThe externalId is of the MDM
externalIds.statusVALIDThe status of the customer set to VALID
auditInfo.isDeletedfalseIndicates whether or not the entity has been deleted defaulted to false
auditInfo.createdByaccelerator-b2c-customer-sys-apiHardcoded to accelerator-b2c-customer-sys-api
auditInfo.updatedByaccelerator-b2c-customer-sys-apiHardcoded to accelerator-b2c-customer-sys-api
auditInfo.updatedDatelastModifiedThe last Modified date of the customer
auditInfo.createdDatecreationDateThe creation Date of the customer

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B2C customer Address mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customer-address-update.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM customer format to B2C Customer Address mapping

address1address.addressLine1The Address of the customer
address2address.addressLine2The Address of the customer
addressIdaddressIdThe Address Id of the customer
cityaddress.cityNameThe customer city name
countryCodeUSThe country code of the customer defaulted to US
firstNameparty.firstNameThe FirstName of the customer
lastNameparty.lastNameThe LastName of the customer
postalCodeaddress.postalCodeTextThe Postal code of the customer
stateCodeaddress.stateProvinceNameThe State code of the customer

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B2C customer Profile update mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/customer-profile-update.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM customer format to B2C Customer profile update mapping

customerNocustomerIdThe customer unique id
firstNameparty.firstNameThe FirstName of the customer
lastNameparty.lastNameThe LastName of the customer
emailemailAddressThe email Address of the customer contactPointType matches ContactPointEmail
creationDateauditInfo.createdDateThe customer creation date
lastModifiedauditInfo.updatedDateThe customer last modified by date
c_masterPartyRoleIdexternalIds.externalIdwhen externalIdType matches MDM
phoneHometelephoneNumberTelephone number of the customer when name matches phoneHome
phoneBusinesstelephoneNumberTelephone number of the customer when name matches phoneBusiness
phoneMobiletelephoneNumberThe Telephone number of customer when name matches phoneMobile

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B2C customer register customer mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/register-customer.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM customer format to B2C Customer register mapping

customer.emailemailThe Email id of the customer
customer.firstNameparty.firstNameThe First name of the customer
customer.lastNameparty.lastNameThe First name of the customer
customer.loginemailThe Email id of the customer
customer.customerNocustomerNumberThe Email id of the customer
customer.phoneHometelephoneNumberTelephone number of the customer when name matches phoneHome
customer.phoneBusinesstelephoneNumberTelephone number of the customer when name matches phoneBusiness
customer.phoneMobiletelephoneNumberThe Telephone number of customer when name matches phoneMobile
passwordrandom passwordThe password for customer registration

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B2C retrieve customers mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/retrieve-customers-mapping.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM customer format to B2C customer mapping

limitlimitThe Limit queryparams
offsetoffsetThe First name of the customer
query.textQuery.fieldsqueryParamsQuery Params passed in request
query.textQuery.searchPhrasequeryParamsQuery Params passed in request

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B2C update customer Master party role Id mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/update-customer-masterpartyroleId.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps CIM customer format to B2C customer mapping

customerNocustomerRegistrationResponse.customerNoThe Limit queryparams
lastNameparty.lastNameThe Last name of the customer
c_masterPartyRoleIdexternalIds.externalIdMaster party Id matches MDM

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onDec 16, 2023
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