RCG B2C Plugin Instore Pickup Cartridge - Source

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This asset is a component of MuleSoft Accelerator for Retail, which accelerates implementation of essential integration use cases such as customer profile sync and order sync across commerce, marketing, CRM, ERP, and OMS applications.

The solution includes pre-built APIs, connectors, and integration templates that help unlock business-critical data from external systems, all the while guiding you to adopt best practices synthesized from thousands of customer implementations. These assets can be used as is or extended to meet your company's unique needs.

In-store pickup cartridge

This plugin enhances the app_storefront_base cartridge by providing "Buy Online Pickup In Store" functionality, including the following capabilities:

Shoppers can search for stores by geographical radius.
shoppers can check the realtime inventory from SAP S/4 Hana system by providing the zip code and within radius.
Shoppers can select a store for pickup.
Shoppers can change the selected store by initiating another search.
Shoppers can purchase multiple products and have different products delivered to different addresses, including to a store.
Shoppers can review their order histories to see where orders were delivered.
Shoppers can review order receipts and summaries to see where products were delivered

Development setup

The following tools are available to help support the development and deployment of cartridges for B2C Commerce:

  • UX Studio - an Eclipse-based product, and
  • Visual Studio Code - a popular editor designed for modern applications.

B2C Commerce UX Studio

You can find all the details about downloading and installing UX Studio from the Administration > Site Development > Development Setup page in Business Manager.

Visual Studio Code

The Prophet Debugger extension for VS Code can also be used to upload and debug cartridges. A file named dw.json must exist in the project's root directory, which provides the connection details. The format of the file is as follows:

    "hostname": "URL to your CC instance",
    "username": "Account Manager login",
    "password": "Account Manageer password",
    "cartridge": ["plugin_instorepickup"],
    "code-version": "Current Version ID"

Once configured, you can use the palette command Prophet: Clean Project/Upload all to upload the cartridges.

Install the cartridge

To enable the features of the Pickup in Store, the plugin_instorepickup cartridges must be installed in your storefront and set up in the storefront's cartridge path. To install and set up:

  1. Log into the Business Manager (BM) using an account that has administrative permissions to the site that you wish to integrate with the Mule API:


  2. Import this project into Studio UX or Visual Studio Code:

  3. Upload the two cartridges to the current active code version within your environment. You can find this in BM under Administration > Site Development > Code Deployment:



  4. In Business Manager, select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites:


  5. Select the site you wish to integrate to the Mule API (e.g., RefArch):


  6. Select the Settings tab:


  7. Update the cartridge path to include the plugin_instorepickup cartridges:


  8. Click Apply to save your changes to the cartridge path.

Configure the service definition

The following describes how to configure the service definition for the cartridge so that it can communicate with the B2C Commerce Experience API deployed in CloudHub.

Set credentials for deployment

To change the credentials for all deployments:

  1. In Business Manager, select Administration > Operations > Services:


  2. Click the Credentials tab:


  3. Edit the mule.auth-RefArch service credentials by clicking the credential name.

  4. If your site ID is not RefArch, update the suffix of the credential name and then replace RefArch with your site name.

  5. Use the following properties to configure the credentials for the service:
Property NameValueDescription
URLhttp://replacehostname/apiSpecify the URL to your B2C Commerce Experience API deployment
UserMule Integration API Client IDSpecify the Mule experience API client ID (use a dummy value if not known)
PasswordMule Integration API Client SecretSpecify the Mule experience API client secret (use a dummy value if not known)

After the service credentials properties are updated, click Apply to save your changes, and then click the << Back to List button:


Adjust your SiteId

Use the following instructions if your site ID is not RefArch and you did not edit the endpoints.xml file before importing.

  1. Select the Services tab.

  2. Edit the mule.auth-RefArch service definition by clicking on the service name.

  3. Update the suffix of each service name and the log-prefix definition by replacing SiteId with your site name.

  4. Update the suffix of the credential name and replace *SiteId with your site name:


  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the mule.rest-RefArch service.

This completes the configuration. There is no need to modify the associated profile-mule profile.

Additional resources

The following links provide more details on how to develop and deploy Salesforce B2C Commerce cartridges:


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onOct 18, 2022
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.4.x

Asset versions