MFG Salesforce Case System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.


Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/createCaseRequest.dwl

Mapping Tables

Create Case mapping.

Request FieldCIM Source fieldDescription of source field
Subjectsubjectsubject of the case
Priorityprioritypriority of the case
DescriptiondescriptionDescription of the case
StatusstatusStatus of the case
ContactIdsfdc.contactIdContact Id

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/create-case-success-header-response.dwl

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/create-case-success-response.dwl

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/getCaseListResponse.dwl


var s

Maps Salesforce case record to output format

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce case record to output format

caseIdIdUnique Id of the case created in Salesforce
isDeletedIsDeletedSet to true if the object has been moved to the Recycle Binfalse otherwise
caseNumberCaseNumberUnique number assigned to the case; numbers start at 1000 and are read-only
assetIdAssetIdAsset Id of the case
parentIdParentIdThe ID of the parent case in the hierarchy
caseTypeTypeType of casefor examplequestion or problem
statusStatusStatus of a casefor exampleopen or closed
subjectSubjectBrief description of the customer’s question or feedback
priorityPriorityUrgency of a case
descriptionDescriptionA text description of the case
isClosedIsClosedIndicator to determine whether case is open or closed
closeDateClosedDateClose date of the case
isEscalatedIsEscalatedIndicates whether the case has been escalated (true) or not
ownerIdOwnerIdID of the contact who owns the case
createDateCreatedDateCase creation timestamp
createdByIdCreatedByIdIdentifier of the case creator
contactIdContactIdContact Id
reporterNameReporterName__cName of the reporter
lastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date time of the date
lastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdId of who last changed a case
systemModStampSystemModstampIncident Creation Field
auditInfo.createdByCreatedByIdCreatedBy Id
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedByIdUpdatedBy Id
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateUpdated Date
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateCreated Date

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Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/sfdc-get-case.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce case record to output format

caseIdIdUnique Id of the case created in Salesforce
isDeletedIsDeletedSet to true if the object has been moved to the Recycle Binfalse otherwise
caseNumberCaseNumberUnique number assigned to the case; numbers start at 1000 and are read-only
assetIdAssetIdAsset Id of the case
parentIdParentIdThe ID of the parent case in the hierarchy
caseTypeTypeType of casefor examplequestion or problem
statusStatusStatus of a casefor exampleopen or closed
subjectSubjectBrief description of the customer’s question or feedback
priorityPriorityUrgency of a case
descriptionDescriptionA text description of the case
isClosedIsClosedIndicator to determine whether case is open or closed
closeDateClosedDateClose date of the case
isEscalatedIsEscalatedIndicates whether the case has been escalated (true) or not
ownerIdOwnerIdID of the contact who owns the case
contactIdContactIdContact Id
reporterNameReporterName__cName of the reporter
createDateCreatedDateCase creation timestamp
createdByIdCreatedByIdIdentifier of the case creator
lastModifiedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date time of the date
lastModifiedByIdLastModifiedByIdId of who last changed a case
systemModStampSystemModstampIncident Creation Field
auditInfo.createdByCreatedByIdCreatedBy Id
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedByIdUpdatedBy Id
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateUpdated Date
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateCreated Date

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onSep 9, 2022
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Asset versions for 1.0.x

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