FINS Snowflake Financial System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

accounts-request-payloadMapping to create Financial Account in Snowflake. Maps Banking Spec account JSON to DB fields of Snowflake
accounts-response-payloadMapping to search Financial Account from Snowflake Maps Banking Spec account JSON to DB fields of Snowflake
transactions-request-payloadMapping to create Financial Transaction in Snowflake. Maps Banking Spec transaction JSON to DB fields of Snowflake
transactions-response-payloadMapping to search Financial Transaction in Snowflake. Maps Banking Spec transaction JSON to DB fields of Snowflake


Mapping to create Financial Account in Snowflake.
Maps Banking Spec account JSON to DB fields of Snowflake

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-request-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Banking Spec Financial Account JSON to Snowflake DB

Banking Spec fieldSnowflake DB FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT tableDescription
idACCOUNT_IDUnique Id of the account
nameNAMEdescriptive name of the account
accountCurrencyACCOUNT_CURRENCYCurrent used for account
accountStatusACCOUNT_STATUSStatus of the account
accountTypeACCOUNT_TYPEDiscriminator property set to the specific type of account by name (example - CheckingAccount)
depositAccountTypeDEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_TYPEDefines an account used for checkingsavingsor money market activities
accountNumberACCOUNT_NUMBERAccount number to identify the account
accountBalanceACCOUNT_BALANCEcurrent credit (positive) or debit (negative) balance of the account
openedDateOPENED_DATEOpening Date of the account
loanDurationMonthsLOAN_DURATION_MONTHSloan duration for re-payment
minimumPaymentLOAN_MINIMUM_PAYMENTminimum payment to be made to the account
primaryAccountOwnerPRIMARY_OWNER_IDReferences the primary owner of this account by their global identifier
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedIS_DELETEDIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Mapping to search Financial Account from Snowflake
Maps Banking Spec account JSON to DB fields of Snowflake

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-response-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps DB Fields to Banking Spec Financial Account JSON

Snowflake DB FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT tableBanking SpecDescription
ACCOUNT_IDidUnique Id of the account
NAMEnamedescriptive name of the account
ACCOUNT_CURRENCYaccountCurrencyCurrent used for account
ACCOUNT_STATUSaccountStatusStatus of the account
ACCOUNT_TYPEaccountTypeDiscriminator property set to the specific type of account by name (example - CheckingAccount)
DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_TYPEdepositAccountTypeDefines an account used for checkingsavingsor money market activities
ACCOUNT_NUMBERaccountNumberAccount number to identify the account
ACCOUNT_BALANCEaccountBalancecurrent credit (positive) or debit (negative) balance of the account
OPENED_DATEopenedDatedate of opening the account
LOAN_DURATION_MONTHSloanDurationMonthsloan duration for repayment
MINIMUM_PAYMENTminimumPaymentminimum payment to be made to the account
CREATED_BYauditInfo.createdByIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
CREATED_DATEauditInfo.createdDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
UPDATED_BYauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
UPDATED_DATEauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
IS_DELETEDauditInfo.isDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Mapping to create Financial Transaction in Snowflake.
Maps Banking Spec transaction JSON to DB fields of Snowflake

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/transactions-request-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

POST transactions Request mapping.

Banking SpecSnowflake DB FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION tableDescription
idTRANSACTION_IDThe unique transaction Id.
accountIdcreditAccountId or debitAccountIdAccount associated with the transaction
accountOwnerIdACCOUNT_OWNER_IDThe primary owner of the account this transaction was created for
nameNAMEDisplay name of the transaction
transactionNumberTRANSACTION_NUMBERA unique number assigned to this transaction
transactionAmountTRANSACTION_AMOUNTAmount associated with the transaction
transactionTypeTRANSACTION_TYPEDiscriminator property set to the specific type of transaction by name (e.g.CreditTransaction)
transactionSubTypeTRANSACTION_SUBTYPESub type of the transaction
transactionStatusTRANSACTION_STATUSStatus of the transaction
transactionDateTRANSACTION_DATEDate the transaction was recorded in the system
auditInfo.isDeletedIS_DELETEDDefault to false
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYCreatedBy user
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYThe name of user updated
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATEThe updated date
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATEThe Created date

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Mapping to search Financial Transaction in Snowflake.
Maps Banking Spec transaction JSON to DB fields of Snowflake

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/transactions-response-payload.dwl


fun formatDate (dateToformat)

Function to format the date

param dateToformat date that needs to be formatted
return date formatted date with no time

Mapping Tables

Maps Snowflake to Banking Spec Transaction mapping

Banking SpecSnowflake DB FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION tableDescription
idTRANSACTION_IDThe unique transaction Id.
creditAccountId or debitAccountIdACCOUNT_IDAccount associated with the transaction and transaction type
accountOwnerIdACCOUNT_OWNER_IDThe primary owner of the account this transaction was created for
nameNAMEDisplay name of the transaction
transactionNumberTRANSACTION_NUMBERA unique number assigned to this transaction
transactionAmountTRANSACTION_AMOUNTAmount associated with the transaction
transactionTypeTRANSACTION_TYPEDiscriminator property set to the specific type of transaction by name (e.g.CreditTransaction)
transactionSubTypeTRANSACTION_SUBTYPESub type of the transaction
transactionStatusTRANSACTION_STATUSStatus of the transaction
transactionDateTRANSACTION_DATEDate the transaction was recorded in the system
auditInfo.isDeletedIS_DELETEDDefault to false
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYCreatedBy user
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYThe name of user updated
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATEThe updated date
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATEThe Created date

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.6.x

Asset versions