FINS Salesforce Insurance System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

quote-create-insurance-library-to-vlocityMap Quote details to Integration Procedure in Salesforce
retrieve-policies-by-id-responseRetrieve Policy By Id Response Mapping in Salesforce
retrieve-quotes-by-id-responseRetrieve Quote By Id Response Mapping in Salesforce
search-policies-responseSearch Policies Response Mapping in Salesforce
search-quotes-responseRetrieve Quote By Id Response Mapping in Salesforce


Map Quote details to Integration Procedure in Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/quote-create-insurance-library-to-vlocity.dwl

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Retrieve Policy By Id Response Mapping in Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/retrieve-policies-by-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce InsurancePolicy Object to Insurance Library format

Salesforce InsurancePolicyInsurance LibraryDescription
idIdThe id of the Policy
nameNameThe general name of the Policy
descriptionPolicyDescriptionGeneral description the policy coverage
policyNamePolicyNameDescriptive name of the policy
policyTermPolicyTermThe term of the Policy
policyTypePolicyTypeType of policy the instance represents
policyStatusStatusThe status of the Policy
policySubStatusSubstatusThe sub status of the Policy
insuranceProductIdProductIdIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
primaryParticipantIdNameInsuredIdAccount identifier of the primary participant of the policy
effectiveDateEffectiveDateThe date from which the Policy is effective
expirationDateExpirationDateThe date on which the Policy expires
renewalDateRenewalDateThe date on which the Policy is renewed
cancellationDateCancellationDateThe date on which the Insurance Policy is cancelled
cancellationReasonCancellationReasonThe cancellation reason
sourceQuoteIdSourceQuoteIdThe source quote id of the Policy
ForEach InsurancePolicyAsset
idIdThe id of the Asset in Salesforce
nameNameThe Name of the Insurance Policy Asset in Salesforce
descriptionDescription__cThe description of the Insurance Policy Asset in Salesforce
assetNameAssetNameGeneral description of the policy asset
customerPropertyIdCustomerPropertyIdIdentifier of the customer property covered by the asset
insuranceProductIdvlocity_ins_fscProduct2IdcIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
insurancePolicyIdInsurancePolicyIdIdentifier of the policy the asset is associated with
policyParticipantIdPrimaryPolicyParticipantIdIdentifier of the customer property covered by the asset
termPremiumAmountTermPremiumAmountThe Term Premium amount of the Asset
termTaxAmountTermTaxAmountThe Term Tax amount of the Asset
termFeeAmountTermFeeAmountThe Term Fee amount of the Asset
termTotalAmountTotalTermAmountThe Term Total amount of the Asset
End of ForEach InsurancePolicyAsset
ForEach InsurancePolicyCoverage
idIdThe id of the Insurance Policy Coverage in Salesforce
nameNameThe name of the Insurance Policy Coverage in Salesforce. This is an auto generated number
descriptionDescriptionGeneral description the policy coverage
coverageNameCoverageNameDescriptive name of the policy coverage
coverageTypeCoverageTypeIdType of coverage the instance represents
coverageCategoryCategoryCategory assigned to the policy coverage
insuranceProductIdvlocity_ins_fscProduct2IdcIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
insurancePolicyIdInsurancePolicyIdIdentifier of the policy the coverage applies to
insurancePolicyAssetIdInsurancePolicyAssetIdIdentifier of the specific policy asset the coverage applies to
premiumAmountPremiumAmountThe premium amount of the Insurance Policy Coverage
deductibleAmountDeductibleAmountThe deductible amount of the Insurance Policy Coverage
effectiveDateEffectiveDateThe date from which the policy coverage is effective
expirationDateExpirationDateThe date on which the policy coverage expires
End of ForEach InsurancePolicyCoverage
ForEach InsurancePolicyParticipant
idIdThe id of the InsurancePolicyParticipant record in Salesforce
nameNameThe name of the InsurancePolicyParticipant record. This is an auto-generated number.
insuranceProductIdvlocity_ins_fscInsuredPartySpecIdcIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
insurancePolicyIdInsurancePolicyIdIdentifier of the policy the participant is associated with
participantAccountIdPrimaryParticipantAccountIdIdentifier of the primary participant of the underlying policy
participantContactIdPrimaryParticipantContactIdIdentifier of the primary contact of the underlying policy
participantRoleRoleThe role of the PolicyParticipant
effectiveDateEffectiveDateThe date from which the Policy Participant is effective
expirationDateExpirationDateThe date on which the Policy Participant expires
End of ForEach InsurancePolicyParticipant
externalIds.idGlobal_Policy_Id__cSet as Global Policy Id
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Policy_Id__cThe Global Identifier of the Policy
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMSet as MDM
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
externalIds.statusVALIDSet as VALID
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Retrieve Quote By Id Response Mapping in Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/retrieve-quotes-by-id-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Quote Object to Insurance Library format

Salesforce QuoteInsurance LibraryDescription
idIdThe id of the Quote
nameNameThe general name of the Quote
descriptionQuoteDescriptionGeneral description the Quote coverage
QuoteNumberquoteNumberA number to identify the Quote
OpportunityIdopportunityIdIdentifier of the opportunity this quote is related to
AccountIdquoteAccountIdIdentifier of the customer this quote was prepared for
ContactIdquoteContactIdIdentifier of the contact for the quote
StatusquoteStatusCurrent status of the quote
vlocity_insPrimaryProductIdcinsuranceProductIdIdentifier of the insurance product this quote applies to
vlocity_insRatingTypecratingTypeRating to provide a quote
vlocity_insTermctermDurationDuration of the Insurance for quote
SubtotalsubtotalAmountSub Total Amount on quote - default 0.0
vlocity_insTotalTaxAmountctaxAmountTax amount for the quote - default 0.0
vlocity_insTotalFeeAmountcfeeAmountTotal Fee for quote - default 0.0
DiscountdiscountAmountDiscount applied on the quote - default 0.0
vlocity_insTotalAmountctotalAmountTotal Amount on the quote - default 0.0
vlocity_ins_fscSourceInsurancePolicyIdcinsurancePolicyIdpolicy id tied to the quote
vlocity_insEffectiveDateceffectiveDateeffective date of quote
ExpirationDateexpirationDateExpiration Date for the quote
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Search Policies Response Mapping in Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/search-policies-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce InsurancePolicy Object to CIM format

Salesforce InsurancePolicyCIMDescription
ForEach InsurancePolicy
idIdThe id of the Policy
nameNameThe general name of the Policy
descriptionPolicyDescriptionGeneral description the policy coverage
policyNamePolicyNameDescriptive name of the policy
policyTermPolicyTermThe term of the Policy
policyTypePolicyTypeType of policy the instance represents
policyStatusStatusThe status of the Policy
policySubStatusSubstatusThe sub status of the Policy
insuranceProductIdProductIdIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
primaryParticipantIdNameInsuredIdAccount identifier of the primary participant of the policy
effectiveDateEffectiveDateThe date from which the Policy is effective
expirationDateExpirationDateThe date on which the Policy expires
renewalDateRenewalDateThe date on which the Policy is renewed
cancellationDateCancellationDateThe date on which the Insurance Policy is cancelled
cancellationReasonCancellationReasonThe cancellation reason
sourceQuoteIdSourceQuoteIdThe source quote id of the Policy
ForEach InsurancePolicyAsset
idIdThe id of the Asset in Salesforce
nameNameThe Name of the Insurance Policy Asset in Salesforce
descriptionDescription__cThe description of the Insurance Policy Asset in Salesforce
assetNameAssetNameGeneral description of the policy asset
customerPropertyIdCustomerPropertyIdIdentifier of the customer property covered by the asset
insuranceProductIdvlocity_ins_fscProduct2IdcIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
insurancePolicyIdInsurancePolicyIdIdentifier of the policy the asset is associated with
policyParticipantIdPrimaryPolicyParticipantIdIdentifier of the customer property covered by the asset
termPremiumAmountTermPremiumAmountThe Term Premium amount of the Asset
termTaxAmountTermTaxAmountThe Term Tax amount of the Asset
termFeeAmountTermFeeAmountThe Term Fee amount of the Asset
termTotalAmountTotalTermAmountThe Term Total amount of the Asset
End of ForEach InsurancePolicyAsset
ForEach InsurancePolicyCoverage
idIdThe id of the Insurance Policy Coverage in Salesforce
nameNameThe name of the Insurance Policy Coverage in Salesforce. This is an auto generated number
descriptionDescriptionGeneral description the policy coverage
coverageNameCoverageNameDescriptive name of the policy coverage
coverageTypeCoverageTypeIdType of coverage the instance represents
coverageCategoryCategoryCategory assigned to the policy coverage
insuranceProductIdvlocity_ins_fscProduct2IdcIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
insurancePolicyIdInsurancePolicyIdIdentifier of the policy the coverage applies to
insurancePolicyAssetIdInsurancePolicyAssetIdIdentifier of the specific policy asset the coverage applies to
premiumAmountPremiumAmountThe premium amount of the Insurance Policy Coverage
deductibleAmountDeductibleAmountThe deductible amount of the Insurance Policy Coverage
effectiveDateEffectiveDateThe date from which the policy coverage is effective
expirationDateExpirationDateThe date on which the policy coverage expires
End of ForEach InsurancePolicyCoverage
ForEach InsurancePolicyParticipant
idIdThe id of the InsurancePolicyParticipant record in Salesforce
nameNameThe name of the InsurancePolicyParticipant record. This is an auto-generated number.
insuranceProductIdvlocity_ins_fscInsuredPartySpecIdcIdentifier of the underlying insurance product
insurancePolicyIdInsurancePolicyIdIdentifier of the policy the participant is associated with
participantAccountIdPrimaryParticipantAccountIdIdentifier of the primary participant of the underlying policy
participantContactIdPrimaryParticipantContactIdIdentifier of the primary contact of the underlying policy
participantRoleRoleThe role of the PolicyParticipant
effectiveDateEffectiveDateThe date from which the Policy Participant is effective
expirationDateExpirationDateThe date on which the Policy Participant expires
End of ForEach InsurancePolicyParticipant
externalIds.idGlobal_Policy_Id__cSet as Global Policy Id
externalIds.externalIdGlobal_Policy_Id__cThe Global Identifier of the Policy
externalIds.externalIdTypeMDMSet as MDM
externalIds.statusLastChangedDateLastModifiedDateLast modified date to "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz"
externalIds.statusVALIDSet as VALID
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false
End of ForEach InsurancePolicy

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Retrieve Quote By Id Response Mapping in Salesforce

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/search-quotes-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Salesforce Quote Object to CIM format

Salesforce QuoteCIMDescription
idIdThe id of the Quote
nameNameThe general name of the Quote
descriptionQuoteDescriptionGeneral description the Quote coverage
QuoteNumberquoteNumberA number to identify the Quote
OpportunityIdopportunityIdIdentifier of the opportunity this quote is related to
AccountIdquoteAccountIdIdentifier of the customer this quote was prepared for
ContactIdquoteContactIdIdentifier of the contact for the quote
StatusquoteStatusCurrent status of the quote
vlocity_insPrimaryProductIdcinsuranceProductIdIdentifier of the insurance product this quote applies to
vlocity_insRatingTypecratingTypeRating to provide a quote
vlocity_insTermctermDurationDuration of the Insurance for quote
SubtotalsubtotalAmountSub Total Amount on quote - default 0.0
vlocity_insTotalTaxAmountctaxAmountTax amount for the quote - default 0.0
vlocity_insTotalFeeAmountcfeeAmountTotal Fee for quote - default 0.0
DiscountdiscountAmountDiscount applied on the quote - default 0.0
vlocity_insTotalAmountctotalAmountTotal Amount on the quote - default 0.0
vlocity_ins_fscSourceInsurancePolicyIdcinsurancePolicyIdpolicy id tied to the quote
vlocity_insEffectiveDateceffectiveDateeffective date of quote
ExpirationDateexpirationDateExpiration Date for the quote
auditInfo.createdByCreatedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCreatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByLastModifiedBy.NameIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateLastModifiedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedIsDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.4.x

Asset versions