FINS Salesforce Data Cloud System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

accounts-json-to-csvAccounts JSON to CSV mapping
accounts-json-to-jsonAccounts JSON to Data Cloud Streaming JSON mapping
externalaccounts-json-to-csvExternal Accounts JSON to CSV mapping
externalaccounts-json-to-jsonExternal Accounts JSON to Data Cloud Streaming JSON mapping
transactions-json-to-csvTransaction Banking Spec JSON to CSV mapping
transactions-json-to-jsonTransaction Banking Spec JSON to CDP Streaming JSON mapping
webengagements-json-to-csvWeb Engagement JSON to CSV mapping
webengagements-json-to-jsonWeb Engagement JSON to Data Cloud Streaming JSON mapping


Accounts JSON to CSV mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-json-to-csv.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Accounts JSON to CSV for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

accounts JSONData Cloud Ingestion API accounts as CSV FieldsDescription
ididUnique Id of the account
idglobalAccountIdGlobal Id of the account
namenamedescriptive name of the account
accountCurrencyaccountCurrencyCurrent used for account
accountNumberaccountNumberAccount number to identify the account
accountTypeaccountTypeDiscriminator property set to the specific type of account by name (example - CheckingAccount)
depositAccountTypedepositAccountTypeDefines an account used for checking or savings or money market activities
accountStatusaccountStatusStatus of the account
accountBalanceaccountBalancecredit (positive) or debit (negative) balance of the account
availableBalanceavailableBalanceAmount of funds (or credit) available for withdrawal
globalAccountIdglobalAccountIdGlobal Account Id of the account
openedDateopenedDateOpening Date of the account
primaryAccountOwnerprimaryAccountOwnerReferences the primary owner of this account by their global identifier
loanDurationMonthsloanDurationMonthsloan duration for re-payment
institutionIdinstitutionIdFinancial institution this account is held at
taxIdentificationNumbertaxIdentificationNumberGovernment tax identifier (example - SSN or SIN) of the primary account owner
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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Accounts JSON to Data Cloud Streaming JSON mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-json-to-json.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Accounts JSON to JSON for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

accounts JSON FieldsData Cloud Ingestion API accountsDescription
ididUnique Id of the account
idglobalAccountIdGlobal Id of the account
namenamedescriptive name of the account
accountCurrencyaccountCurrencyCurrent used for account
accountNumberaccountNumberAccount number to identify the account
accountTypeaccountTypeDiscriminator property set to the specific type of account by name (example - CheckingAccount)
depositAccountTypedepositAccountTypeDefines an account used for checking or savings or money market activities
accountStatusaccountStatusStatus of the account
accountBalanceaccountBalancecredit (positive) or debit (negative) balance of the account
availableBalanceavailableBalanceAmount of funds (or credit) available for withdrawal
globalAccountIdglobalAccountIdGlobal Account Id of the account
openedDateopenedDateOpening Date of the account
primaryAccountOwnerprimaryAccountOwnerReferences the primary owner of this account by their global identifier
loanDurationMonthsloanDurationMonthsloan duration for re-payment
institutionIdinstitutionIdFinancial institution this account is held at
taxIdentificationNumbertaxIdentificationNumberGovernment tax identifier (example - SSN or SIN) of the primary account owner
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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External Accounts JSON to CSV mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/externalaccounts-json-to-csv.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps External Accounts JSON to CSV for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

External accounts JSONData Cloud Ingestion API external accounts as CSV FieldsDescription
individualIdindividualIdGlobal identifier of the account owner
emailAddressemailAddressEmail Address of the account owner
institutionNameinstitutionNameName of the institution holding the accounts
accountTypeaccountTypeProperty set to the specific type of account by name (example - CheckingAccount)
accountStatusaccountStatusStatus of the account
averageDailyBalanceaverageDailyBalanceAverage daily balance of the accounts
ageOfAccountageOfAccountThe number of years since the account was first opened
totalNumberOfAccountstotalNumberOfAccountsThe total number of accounts held by this client
lengthOfTimeAsClientlengthOfTimeAsClientThe number of years the individual has been a client with the financial institution
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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External Accounts JSON to Data Cloud Streaming JSON mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/externalaccounts-json-to-json.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps External Accounts JSON to CSV for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

External accounts JSONData Cloud Ingestion API external accountsDescription
individualIdindividualIdGlobal identifier of the account owner
emailAddressemailAddressEmail Address of the account owner
institutionNameinstitutionNameName of the institution holding the accounts
accountTypeaccountTypeProperty set to the specific type of account by name (example - CheckingAccount)
accountStatusaccountStatusStatus of the account
averageDailyBalanceaverageDailyBalanceAverage daily balance of the accounts
ageOfAccountageOfAccountThe number of years since the account was first opened
totalNumberOfAccountstotalNumberOfAccountsThe total number of accounts held by this client
lengthOfTimeAsClientlengthOfTimeAsClientThe number of years the individual has been a client with the financial institution
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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Transaction Banking Spec JSON to CSV mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/transactions-json-to-csv.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Transaction JSON to CSV for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

Transaction Banking Spec FieldsData Cloud Ingestion API Transaction CSV FieldsDescription
ididThe unique transaction Id.
idglobalTransactionIdGlobal Id of the transaction
accountIdaccountIdAccount associated with the transaction
namenameDisplay name of the transaction
accountOwnerIdaccountOwnerIdOwner Id of the account associated with the transaction
transactionNumbertransactionNumberA unique number assigned to this transaction
transactionAmounttransactionAmountAmount associated with the transaction
transactionTypetransactionTypeDiscriminator property set to the specific type of transaction by name (example - CreditTransaction)
transactionSubTypetransactionSubTypeSub type of the transaction
transactionStatustransactionStatusStatus of the transaction
transactionDatetransactionDateDate the transaction was recorded in the system
isDisputedisDisputedFlag to highlight if the transaction has been disputed
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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Transaction Banking Spec JSON to CDP Streaming JSON mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/transactions-json-to-json.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Transaction for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

Transaction Banking Spec FieldsData Cloud Ingestion API FieldsDescription
ididThe unique transaction Id.
idglobalTransactionIdGlobal Id of the transaction
accountIdcreditAccountId or debitAccountIdAccount associated with the Credit or Debit side of transaction
accountOwnerIdaccountOwnerIdOwner Id of the account associated with the transaction
namenameDisplay name of the transaction
transactionNumbertransactionNumberA unique number assigned to this transaction
transactionAmounttransactionAmountAmount associated with the transaction
transactionTypetransactionTypeDiscriminator property set to the specific type of transaction by name (example - CreditTransaction)
transactionSubTypetransactionSubTypeSub type of the transaction
transactionStatustransactionStatusStatus of the transaction
transactionDatetransactionDateDate the transaction was recorded in the system
isDisputedisDisputedFlag to highlight if the transaction has been disputed
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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Web Engagement JSON to CSV mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/webengagements-json-to-csv.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Web Engagement JSON to CSV for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

webEngagement JSON FieldsData Cloud Ingestion API webEngagement CSV FieldsDescription
sessionIdsessionIdThe unique number assigned to the user's session for the duration of the visit
individualIdindividualIdGlobal identifier of the individual party
emailAddressemailAddressEmail Address of the individual
channelTypechannelTypeThe type of channel visited by the individual
timeInChanneltimeInChannelThe number of minutes the individual was in the channel
timeBetweenChannelstimeBetweenChannelsThe number of days between channel visits
pagesPerSessionpagesPerSessionThe number total page views divided by the total number of sessions that have taken place
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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Web Engagement JSON to Data Cloud Streaming JSON mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/webengagements-json-to-json.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Web Engagement JSON to CSV for Data Cloud Bulk Upload

webEngagement JSON FieldsData Cloud Ingestion API webEngagement CSV FieldsDescription
sessionIdsessionIdThe unique number assigned to the user's session for the duration of the visit
individualIdindividualIdGlobal identifier of the individual party
emailAddressemailAddressEmail Address of the individual
channelTypechannelTypeThe type of channel visited by the individual
timeInChanneltimeInChannelThe number of minutes the individual was in the channel
timeBetweenChannelstimeBetweenChannelsThe number of days between channel visits
pagesPerSessionpagesPerSessionThe number total page views divided by the total number of sessions that have taken place
auditInfo.createdBycreatedByIdentifies the system or user which created the entry
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateIdentifies the created Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.updatedByupdatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entry
auditInfo.updatedDateupdatedDateIdentifies the updated Time stamp of this entry
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIdentifies if the record is to be marked as deleted

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.6.x

Asset versions