FINS MDM Accounts System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

accounts-get-responseQuery Financial Account Mapping from MDM System
accounts-patch-payloadCreate Account Mapping for MDM System Maps Bankspec Financial Account to payload which is used as input parameter in the update query of FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT table. The fields in both CIM and MDM are identical. PATCH payload is created by validating the Input Request payload with DB Record Payload.
accounts-post-payloadCreate Account Mapping for MDM System. Maps Banking Spec Account JSON to JSON which is used by stored procedure sp_FinancialAccount_Upsert.
cards-get-responseQuery Financial Cards Mapping from MDM System
cards-patch-payloadCreate Card Mapping for MDM System Maps Bankspec Financial Card to payload which is used as input parameter in the update query of FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT table. The fields in both CIM and MDM are identical. PATCH payload is created by validating the Input Request payload with DB Record Payload.
cards-post-payloadCreate Cards Mapping for MDM System. Maps Banking Spec Account JSON to JSON which is used by stored procedure sp_FinancialCard_Upsert.
get-externalids-responseExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System
transactions-get-responseGet Transactions Mapping for MDM System. Maps Transaction from DB to Banking Spec JSON .
transactions-patch-payloadCreate Transactions Mapping for MDM System Maps Banking spec Financial Transaction to payload which is used as input parameter in the update query of FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION table. The fields in both BankingSpec and MDM are identical. PATCH payload is created by validating the Input Request payload with DB Record Payload.
transactions-post-payloadCreate Transactions Mapping for MDM System. Maps Banking Spec Account JSON to JSON which is used by stored procedure sp_FinancialAccount_Upsert.


Query Financial Account Mapping from MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps DB Fields to Banking Spec Financial Account to JSON

DB Field used by the stored procedureBanking SpecDescription
IDidflag to allow customer to return a Product
NAMEnamedescriptive name of the account
ACCOUNT_NUMBERaccountNumberaccount number
ACCOUNT_TYPEaccountTypediscriminator property set to the specific type of account by name (e.g.CheckingAccount)
ACCOUNT_STATUSaccountStatusflag to preorder the Product
ACCOUNT_BALANCEaccountBalancecurrent credit (positive) or debit (negative) balance of the account
AVAILABLE_BALANCEavailableBalanceamount of funds (or credit) available for withdrawal
ACCOUNT_CURRENCYaccountCurrencycustomer-provided nickname for the account
ACCOUNT_LABELaccountLabellabel for the Account
INTEREST_RATEinterestRateinterest rate for the amount
TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBERtaxIdentificationNumberTax Identification Number associated with the account
OPENED_DATEopenedDatedate of opening the account
CLOSED_DATEclosedDatedate of Closing the account
LAST_STATEMENT_DATElastStatementDatedate the last statement was produced for this account
CREDIT_LIMITcreditLimitcredit limit for the Card
LOAN_TYPEloanTypeloan type associated with the account
ORIGINAL_LOAN_AMOUNToriginalLoanAmountloan amount of the account
LOAN_DURATION_MONTHSloanDurationMonthsloan duration for repayment
MINIMUM_PAYMENTminimumPaymentminimum payment to be made to the account
PRINCIPAL_BALANCEprincipalBalanceprincipal balance associated with the loan account
DEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_TYPEdepositAccountTypedeposit account
ROUTING_NUMBERroutingNumberBranch or routing number for the account
OVERDRAFT_LIMIToverdraftLimitIndicates the maximum deficit in an account; a value of 0.0 means no overdraft is allowed
DAILY_WITHDRAWAL_LIMITdailyWithdrawalLimitMaximum amount that can be withdrawn directly from this account per day
LAST_DEPOSIT_DATElastDepositDateDate the last deposit was made on
LAST_WITHDRAWAL_DATElastWithdrawalDateDate the last withdrawal was made on
MAXIMUM_MONTHLY_WITHDRAWALSmaximumMonthlyWithdrawalsMaximum amount that can be withdrawn directly from this account per month
MINIMUM_BALANCEminimumBalanceThe minimum amount that must be held in a Money Market account
MONTHLY_WITHDRAWAL_LIMITmonthlyWithdrawalLimitThe maximum number of withdrawals allowed per month
LAST_TRANSACTION_DATElastTransactionDateDate a transaction was last recorded for this account
LAST_TRANSACTION_TYPElastTransactionTypeReferences the type of transaction last recorded for this account
LAST_TRANSACTION_AMOUNTlastTransactionAmountAmount of the last transaction recorded for this account
LAST_PAYMENT_DATElastPaymentDateDate the last deposit was made on
LAST_PAYMENT_AMOUNTlastPaymentAmountAmount of the last payment made
CUSTOMER_IDprimaryAccountOwnerReferences the primary owner of this account by their global identifier
CUSTOMER_IDsecondaryAccountOwnersReferences additional owner(s) of this account by their global identifiers
CREATED_BYauditInfo.createdByIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
CREATED_DATEauditInfo.createdDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
UPDATED_BYauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
UPDATED_DATEauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
IS_DELETEDauditInfo.isDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Create Account Mapping for MDM System
Maps Bankspec Financial Account to payload which is used as input parameter in the update query of FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT table.
The fields in both CIM and MDM are identical.
PATCH payload is created by validating the Input Request payload with DB Record Payload.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-patch-payload.dwl


var payloadRecordfromDB

payloadRecordfromDB is the existing Financial Account record in MDM system

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Create Account Mapping for MDM System.
Maps Banking Spec Account JSON to JSON which is used by stored procedure sp_FinancialAccount_Upsert.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/accounts-post-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Banking Spec Financial Account JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_ContactPointAddress_Create or sp_ContactPointAddress_Update

Banking Spec fieldDB Field used in stored procedureDescription
idIDflag to allow customer to return a Product
nameNAMEdescriptive name of the account
accountNumberACCOUNT_NUMBERaccount number
accountTypeACCOUNT_TYPEdiscriminator property set to the specific type of account by name (e.g.CheckingAccount)
accountStatusACCOUNT_STATUSflag to preorder the Product
accountBalanceACCOUNT_BALANCEcurrent credit (positive) or debit (negative) balance of the account
availableBalanceAVAILABLE_BALANCEamount of funds (or credit) available for withdrawal
accountCurrencyACCOUNT_CURRENCYcustomer-provided nickname for the account
accountLabelACCOUNT_LABELlabel for the Account
interestRateINTEREST_RATEinterest rate for the amount
taxIdentificationNumberTAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBERTax Identification Number assoicated with the account
notesNOTESfree-form notes recorded for this account
creditLimitCREDIT_LIMITcredit limit for the Card
loanTypeLOAN_TYPEloan type associated with the account
originalLoanAmountORIGINAL_LOAN_AMOUNTloan amount of the account
loanDurationMonthsLOAN_DURATION_MONTHSloan duration for repayment
minimumPaymentMINIMUM_PAYMENTminimum payment to be made to the account
principalBalancePRINCIPAL_BALANCEprincipal balance associated with the loan account
depositAccountTypeDEPOSIT_ACCOUNT_TYPEdeposit account
routingNumberROUTING_NUMBERBranch or routing number for the account
overdraftLimitOVERDRAFT_LIMITIndicates the maximum deficit in an account; a value of 0.0 means no overdraft is allowed
dailyWithdrawalLimitDAILY_WITHDRAWAL_LIMITMaximum amount that can be withdrawn directly from this account per day
lastTransactionDateLAST_TRANSACTION_DATEDate a transaction was last recorded for this account
lastTransactionTypeLAST_TRANSACTION_TYPEReferences the type of transaction last recorded for this account
lastTransactionAmountLAST_TRANSACTION_AMOUNTAmount of the last transaction recorded for this account
lastPaymentDateLAST_PAYMENT_DATEDate the last deposit was made on
lastPaymentAmountLAST_PAYMENT_AMOUNTAmount of the last payment made
primaryAccountOwnerCUSTOMER_IDReferences the primary owner of this account by their global identifier
secondaryAccountOwnersCUSTOMER_IDReferences additional owner(s) of this account by their global identifiers
maximumMonthlyWithdrawalsMONTHLY_WITHDRAWAL_LIMITMaximum amount that can be withdrawn directly from this account per month
minimumBalanceMINIMUM_BALANCEThe minimum amount that must be held in a Money Market account
monthlyWithdrawalLimitMONTHLY_WITHDRAWAL_LIMITThe maximum number of withdrawals allowed per month
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Query Financial Cards Mapping from MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/cards-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps DB fields to FinancialCards Banking spec JSON

MDM DB FieldBanking Spec FieldDescription
IDidcredit card id
NAMEnamename of credit card
CARD_TYPEcardTypetype of card - creditdebit
CARD_HOLDER_NAMEcardHolderNamename of the person holding the credit card
CARD_NUMBERcardNumber16 digit number displayed on the credit card.
CARD_PINcardPinpin of the debit card
CARD_STATUScardStatusstatus as activeinactivelocked
CARD_STATUS_CHANGED_DATEcardStatusChangedDateDate and time of the last change in card status
EXPIRY_MONTHexpiryMonthexpiry month of the credit card
EXPIRY_YEARexpiryYearexpiry year of the credit card
REPLACED_CARD_IDreplacedCardIdIdentifier of the card this one replaces
REPLACED_CARD_REASONreplacedCardReasonIndicates why this card was issued in place of a previous one
MASKED_NUMBERmaskedNumbermasked number on the credit card
CARD_TOKENcardTokentoken issued for the credit card
NUMBER_LAST_DIGITSnumberLastDigitslast 4 digits on the card
SECURITY_CODEsecurityCodesecurity code on the credit card
FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_IDaccountIdaccount Id associated with credit card
CARD_OWNER_IDcardOwnerIdIdentifier of the individual this card is owned by
CARD_CONTROLScardControlsList of controls applied to this card (e.g.ATM only)
DAILY_PURCHASE_LIMITdailyPurchaseLimitMaximum amount that can be purchased with this card per day; a value of 0.0 indicates there is no limit
CREATED_DATEauditInfo.createdDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
CREATED_BYauditInfo.createdByIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
UPDATED_BYauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
UPDATED_DATEauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
IS_DELETEDauditInfo.isDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Create Card Mapping for MDM System
Maps Bankspec Financial Card to payload which is used as input parameter in the update query of FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT table.
The fields in both CIM and MDM are identical.
PATCH payload is created by validating the Input Request payload with DB Record Payload.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/cards-patch-payload.dwl


var payloadRecordfromDB

payloadRecordfromDB is the existing Financial Card record in MDM system

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Create Cards Mapping for MDM System.
Maps Banking Spec Account JSON to JSON which is used by stored procedure sp_FinancialCard_Upsert.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/cards-post-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Banking Spec Financial Cards to JSON which is used by stored procedure - sp_FinancialCard_Upsert

Banking Spec FieldMDM DB FieldDescription
idIDcredit card id
nameNAMEname of credit card
cardTypeCARD_TYPEtype of card - creditdebit
cardHolderNameCARD_HOLDER_NAMEname of the person holding the credit card
cardNumberCARD_NUMBER16 digit number displayed on the credit card.
cardPinCARD_PINpin of the debit card
cardStatusCARD_STATUSstatus as activeinactivelocked
cardStatusChangedDateCARD_STATUS_CHANGED_DATEDate and time of the last change in card status
expiryMonthEXPIRY_MONTHexpiry month of the credit card
expiryYearEXPIRY_YEARexpiry year of the credit card
replacedCardIdREPLACED_CARD_IDIdentifier of the card this one replaces
replacedCardReasonREPLACED_CARD_REASONIndicates why this card was issued in place of a previous one
maskedNumberMASKED_NUMBERmasked number on the credit card
cardTokenCARD_TOKENtoken issued for the credit card
numberLastDigitsNUMBER_LAST_DIGITSlast 4 digits on the card
securityCodeSECURITY_CODEsecurity code on the credit card
accountIdFINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_IDaccount Id associated with credit card
cardOwnerIdCARD_OWNER_IDIdentifier of the individual this card is owned by
cardControlsCARD_CONTROLSList of controls applied to this card (e.g.ATM only)
dailyPurchaseLimitDAILY_PURCHASE_LIMITMaximum amount that can be purchased with this card per day; a value of 0.0 indicates there is no limit
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedisDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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ExternalIds Query Mapping for MDM System

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/get-externalids-response.dwl


var outputPayload

outputPayload variable is the maps the result of select query on MDM EXTERNAL_ID table.

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Get Transactions Mapping for MDM System.
Maps Transaction from DB to Banking Spec JSON .

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/transactions-get-response.dwl

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Create Transactions Mapping for MDM System
Maps Banking spec Financial Transaction to payload which is used as input parameter in the update query of FINANCIAL_TRANSACTION table.
The fields in both BankingSpec and MDM are identical.
PATCH payload is created by validating the Input Request payload with DB Record Payload.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/transactions-patch-payload.dwl


var payloadRecordfromDB

payloadRecordfromDB is the existing Financial Transaction record in MDM system

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Create Transactions Mapping for MDM System.
Maps Banking Spec Account JSON to JSON which is used by stored procedure sp_FinancialAccount_Upsert.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/transactions-post-payload.dwl

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onDec 16, 2022
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.5.x

Asset versions