FINS DocuSign System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

map-create-envelope-requestThis script maps an incoming create envelope request to DocuSign format.
map-get-envelope-responseThis script maps a DocuSign envelope to the API format.
map-get-envelope-documents-responseThis script maps a DocuSign document header to the API format.


This script maps an incoming create envelope request to DocuSign format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-create-envelope-request.dwl


fun mapTabPosition (tabPosition)

Helper function to map the tab position structure to DocuSign fields.

param tabPosition the tab position structure to map
return a JSON object containing the DocuSign position fields

fun mapTabs (tabs)

Helper function to map a list of tabs to the DocuSign structure, where each type of tab is a separate collection. Uses the mapTabPosition function to merge the positional mapping of each tab to the overall result.

param tabs a list of document tabs
return a JSON object containing the DocuSign tab lists

Mapping Tables

Maps the API Envelope structure to the DocuSign Envelope structure.

DocuSign propertyAPI propertyDescription
emailSubjectemailSubjectSubject line of the email to send
emailBlurbemailBlurbBody of the email to send
customFieldscustomFields.textCustomFieldsA list of custom text properties to include in the envelope
compositeTemplatescompositeTemplatesAn exploded representation of the simplified template structure to create the envelope
compositeTemplates.serverTemplates.templateIdcompositeTemplates.templateIdIdentifier of a server side template to include in the envelope
compositeTemplates.inlineTemplates.documentscompositeTemplates.documentsDynamic document content to include in the envelope
compositeTemplates.inlineTemplates.recipientscompositeTemplates.recipientsList of recipients to include in the envelope
statusenvelopeStatusThe target status of the created envelope

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This script maps a DocuSign envelope to the API format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-get-envelope-response.dwl


fun mapRecipients (recipientList, recipientType)

Helper function to map the DocuSign receipient structure to the API recipient structure.

param recipientList the list of DocuSign recipients
param recipientType the type of recipient the list represents
return a JSON array containing the flattened list of recipients in API format

Mapping Tables

Maps the DocuSign Envelope structure to the API Envelope structure.

API propertyDocuSign propertyDescription
envelopeIdenvelopeIdThe DocuSign envelope identifier
emailSubectemailSubectSubject line of the email to send
emailBlurbemailBlurbBody of the email to send
customFieldscustomFields.textCustomFieldsA list of custom text properties included in the envelope
documentsdocumentsMetadata of the documents included in the envelope
recipientsrecipientsList of recipients included in the envelope
envelopeStatusstatusThe target status of the created envelope
statusLastChangedDatestatusChangedDateTimeThe date and time the status of the envelope was last changed
auditInfo.createdDatecreatedDateTimeThe date and time the envelope was created
auditInfo.createdBysender.userNameThe DocuSign user this envelope was created on behalf of
auditInfo.updatedDatelastModifiedDateTimeThe date and time the envelope was last modified
auditInfo.updatedBysender.userNameThe DocuSign user this envelope was last modified on behalf of
auditInfo.isDeletedfalseHard-coded deletion indicator

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This script maps a DocuSign document header to the API format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-get-envelope-documents-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps the DocuSign Document structure to the API Document structure.

API propertyDocuSign propertyDescription
iddocumentIdThe document identifier assigned upon envelope creation
namedocumentNameThe name of the document
documentGuiddocumentGuidThe DocuSign generated identifier for the document
documentTypeDocumentHard-coded value of the document type
documentStatusCURRENTHard-coded value of the document status

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
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Asset versions for 2.1.x

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