FINS Databricks Engagements System API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

web-engagements-post-payloadDatabricks FINS WebEngagement to WEB_ENGAGEMENT table mapping response
web-engagements-get-responseDatabricks WEB_ENGAGEMENT table to FINS WebEngagement mapping response


Databricks FINS WebEngagement to WEB_ENGAGEMENT table mapping response

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/web-engagements-post-payload.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps FINS WebEngagement to Databricks WEB_ENGAGEMENT table This payload is used to insert value into the Databricks WEB_ENGAGEMENT table

WEB_ENGAGEMENTFINS WebEngagementDescription
INDIVIDUAL_IDindividualIdGlobal identifier of the individual party
EMAIL_ADDRESSemailAddressEmail Address of the individual party
SESSION_IDsessionIdThe unique number assigned to the user's session for the duration of the visit
CHANNEL_TYPEchannelTypeThe type of channel visited by the individual
TIME_IN_CHANNELtimeInChannelThe number of seconds the individual was in the channel
TIME_BETWEEN_CHANNELStimeBetweenChannelsThe number of seconds between channel visits
PAGES_PER_SESSIONpagesPerSessionThe number total page views divided by the total number of sessions that have taken place
CREATED_BYauditInfo.createdByIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
CREATED_DATEauditInfo.createdDateTimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
UPDATED_BYauditInfo.updatedByIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
UPDATED_DATEauditInfo.updatedDateTimestamp of when the entity was last updated
IS_DELETEDauditInfo.isDeletedIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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Databricks WEB_ENGAGEMENT table to FINS WebEngagement mapping response

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/web-engagements-get-response.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps Databricks WEB_ENGAGEMENT table to FINS WebEngagement

FINS WebEngagementWEB_ENGAGEMENTDescription
individualIdINDIVIDUAL_IDGlobal identifier of the individual party
emailAddressEMAIL_ADDRESSEmail Address of the individual party
sessionIdSESSION_IDThe unique number assigned to the user's session for the duration of the visit
channelTypeCHANNEL_TYPEThe type of channel visited by the individual
timeInChannelTIME_IN_CHANNELThe number of seconds the individual was in the channel
timeBetweenChannelsTIME_BETWEEN_CHANNELSThe number of seconds between channel visits
pagesPerSessionPAGES_PER_SESSIONThe number total page views divided by the total number of sessions that have taken place
auditInfo.createdByCREATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which created the entity
auditInfo.createdDateCREATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was created - default as current timestamp
auditInfo.updatedByUPDATED_BYIdentifies the system or user which last updated the entity
auditInfo.updatedDateUPDATED_DATETimestamp of when the entity was last updated
auditInfo.isDeletedIS_DELETEDIndicates whether or not the entity has been soft-deleted - default as false

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
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