FINS BIAN Servicing Issue Process API

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Examples of Use

A servicing representative notes that the guidelines for a particular product are confusing and result in frequent customer enquiries. The apparent shortfall is raised to management for review

Role Definition

Capture, track, resolve and report on the more general customer servicing issues that may arise in the servicing center. Note that this does not include the handling of specific customer cases (such as a payment dispute) Servicing issues typically requiring some kind of follow-up by the contact service representative (CSR), production support services or their management

Related Business Scenarios

Core Business Object

Key Features

  • Capture servicing issue details and impact
  • Analyze root cause of the issue
  • Determine remedial actions to resolve issue
  • Propose procedural and systems amendments to mitigate cause

Customers can use this integration template to accelerate implementation.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 11.0.x

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