FINS BIAN Issued Device Administration Process API

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Examples of Use

Example of use:A card is cancelled and a replacement card is generated and issued for a customer reporting a stolen card

Role Definition

This service domain administers the inventory management and allocation/issuance for all issued devices and materials (e.g. cards).
This covers credit/debit cards and can include other identification/authentication devices such as keychain fobs. it also handles virtual token inventory such as passwords, secret questions and biometric records (signatures, voice/image). An aspect of the administration includes maintaining device reference details and states such as operating system release and age/duration in use. Specific product/service access permissions can be associated with an issued device.

Related Business Scenarios

Core Business Object

Key Features

  • Administer the issuance/set-up/registration of authentication devices
  • Maintain/update issued device status
  • Maintain/update permissions associated with issued devices
  • Process issued device status updates/alerts

Customers can use this integration template to accelerate implementation.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onAug 28, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 11.0.x

Asset versions