FINS BIAN Correspondence Process API

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Examples of Use

Example of use:A mail shot is generated for a customer campaign with an identified list of candidate customers and using a standard sales message

Role Definition

This service domain handles the automated generation of (batches of) pre-formatted correspondence. It also handles the tracking of expected responses to sent out mail requests and handles the matching of the response and the onward routing of these and all unsolicited inbound correspondence.

Related Business Scenarios

Core Business Object

Key Features

  • Support access to different message delivery channels (snail mail, email, etc)
  • Handle the creation and distribution of outbound correspondence (all media)
  • Optimize correspondence services (batching/stuffing mail)
  • Handle tracking of expected responses to outbound mail
  • Handle onward distribution of incoming mail.

Customers can use this integration template to accelerate implementation.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onAug 28, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 11.0.x

Asset versions