FINS BIAN Case Root Cause Analysis Process API

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Examples of Use

Example of use:Contact center case resolution records are reviewed to identify recurring issues that can be resolved with improved servicing representative training and guidelines

Role Definition

Analyze customer servicing case resolution records for root cause insights. Analysis can be focused for more specific analysis including: problematic product and service features that can be refined; possible operational weaknesses that might require improved training/guidelines; and, to detect possible credit/fraud patterns

Related Business Scenarios

Core Business Object

Key Features

  • Product and service feature related issue analysis
  • Servicing and operational performance issue analysis
  • Credit and fraudulent behavior analysis

Customers can use this integration template to accelerate implementation.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 11.0.x

Asset versions