FINS Bank Loans Process API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

map-create-customer-requestThis script upserts the customer from the incoming loan application with updated values
map-create-docusign-requestThis script maps an incoming create envelope request to DocuSign System API format.
map-create-document-in-LOSThis script maps an incoming request to Loan Document format.
map-create-loan-accountThis script maps Loan Application to Loan Account format.


This script upserts the customer from the incoming loan application with updated values

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-create-customer-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps the incoming loan application to the Customer (customers-prc-api) format.

customers-prc-api propertyAPI propertyDescription
partyRoleType"Customer"Hard-coded value
customerStatusIf customer exists in Global Party System then "Active" else "Prospect"Status of the customer
partycustomer.partyParty associated with the customer

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This script maps an incoming create envelope request to DocuSign System API format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-create-docusign-request.dwl

Mapping Tables

Creates the DocuSign API Envelope structure.

API propertyDocuSign API propertyDescription
emailSubjectemailSubjectHard-coded subject line of the email to send
emailBlurbemailBlurbHard-coded body of the email to send
compositeTemplates.customFieldstextCustomFieldsA list of custom text properties to include in the envelope such as documentUsageType and applicationType
compositeTemplates.documentspayloadDynamic document and base64 document content to include in the envelope
compositeTemplates.recipientsmdmCustomerList of recipients to include in the envelope
envelopeStatus"SENT"The target status of the created envelope

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This script maps an incoming request to Loan Document format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-create-document-in-LOS.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps the incoming request to Document format.

Loan Document propertyAPI propertyDescription
idnullHard-coded value
documentStatus"CURRENT"Status of the document
signatureStatusUNSIGNEDInitial signature status
documentTypeLoanDocumentType of document
loanApplicationloanApplicationIdLoan Application Id stored in DocuSign
externalIdsdocuSignEnvelopeIdDocuSign Envelope Id

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This script maps Loan Application to Loan Account format.

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/map-create-loan-account.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps the incoming loan application to loan account format.

Loan AccountLoan Application propertyDescription
idnullHard-coded value
nameconcat(loanPurpose & "Loan")Name of the Loan
accountNumberUUIDLoan account number
primaryAccountOwnercustomerIdPrimary Account of the loan account
accountBalancerequestedLoanAmountAccount balance
availableBalancerequestedLoanAmountAvailable balance
accountLabelloanPurposeAccount label
loanTypeloanPurposeType of loan account
loanDurationInMonthsloanDurationInMonthsDuration of Loan in Months - Default to 12
interestRateinterestRateInterest Rate of the loan
taxIdentificationNumbertaxIdentificationNumberTax identification number
openedDatenow()Current date
loanAmountrequestedLoanAmountRequested loan amount
notesloanPurposeNotes on purpose of loan
originalLoanAmountrequestedLoanAmountOriginal Loan Amount
principalBalancerequestedLoanAmountPrincipal balance

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onNov 10, 2023
Asset overview

Asset versions for 2.1.x

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