Accelerator B2C Commerce Sync Cartridge - Source

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The B2C Commerce instance requires a service definition that must be configured to interact with the Mule API.

Uploading the service definition

The following instructions provide guidance on how to import and configure the service definition for a site called RefArch. If your site ID is different, you must edit the endpoints.xml file to adjust the references accordingly.

  1. In Business Manager, select Administration > Operations > Import & Export:



  2. Click Upload in the 'Import & Export Files' section.

  3. Click Choose File displayed in the 'Upload Import Files' section:


  4. Locate and select the endpoints.xml definition file in the 'cartridges' source directory.

  5. After you select the import file, click Upload to upload the import file:


Importing the service definition

The following instructions describe how to import the service definition leveraged by the Customer Sync Cartridge.

Note: You must first upload the endpoints.xml import file to Business Manager first, as described in the previous section.

  1. In Business Manager, select Administration > Operations > Import & Export:


  2. Click Import in the 'Services' section:


  3. Select the file named endpoints.xml and then click Next:


  4. After the import process validates the file, confirm that the file has validated without any errors and then click Next to continue:


  5. On the 'Import' step, select Merge as the import mode and then click Import to process the uploaded file:


  6. Allow the import file to complete its processing and then confirm that the import has succeeded:


Note: The 'Status' section shows the import progress of the file being processed. Click Refresh to update. A successful import has a process status of Success. You can ignore any warnings about "Communication logging" when importing to sandbox environments:

Configuring the Service Definition

The following describes how to configure the service definition for the cartridge so that it can communicate with the B2C Commerce Experience API deployed in CloudHub.

To change the credentials for all deployments:

  1. In Business Manager, select Administration > Operations > Services:


  2. Click the Credentials tab:


  3. Edit the mule.auth-RefArch service credentials by clicking the credential name.

  4. If your site ID is not RefArch, update the suffix of the credential name and then replace RefArch with your site name.

  5. Use the following properties to configure the credentials for the service:
Property NameValueDescription
URLhttp://replacehostname/apiSpecify the URL to your B2C Commerce Experience API deployment
UserMule Integration API Client IDSpecify the Mule experience API client ID (use a dummy value if not known)
PasswordMule Integration API Client SecretSpecify the Mule experience API client secret (use a dummy value if not known)

After the service credentials properties are updated, click Apply to save your changes, and then click the << Back to List button:


Adjusting your SiteId

Use the following instructions if your site ID is not RefArch and you did not edit the endpoints.xml file before importing.

  1. Select the Services tab.

  2. Edit the mule.auth-RefArch service definition by clicking on the service name.

  3. Update the suffix of each service name and the log-prefix definition by replacing SiteId with your site name.

  4. Update the suffix of the credential name and replace *SiteId with your site name:


  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the service.

This completes the configuration. There is no need to modify the associated profile-mule profile.

Configure custom preferences

The Customers and Orders sync processes can be enabled or disabled by setting
the muleSyncCustomersEnabled and muleSyncOrdersEnabled custom preferences,
respectively. By default, the sync process will not execute if not set. To
create and set the preferences:

  1. Select Administration > Site Development > System Object Types
  2. Select SitePreferences.
  3. Click the Attribute Definition tab.
  4. Click New and define the following custom site attribute:

    ID: muleCustomerSyncEnabledDisplay Name: Sync Customers to MuleHelp Text: Enable or disable publishing of customer profile updates to MuleValue Type: Boolean

  5. Click Apply
  6. Set the default value to True and click Apply
  7. Click << Back and repeat the above steps for the second attribute:

    ID: muleOrderSyncEnabledDisplay Name: Sync Orders to MuleHelp Text: Enable or disable publishing of new customer orders to MuleValue Type: Boolean

  8. Click the Attribute Grouping tab.
  9. Add a new attribute group as follows:

    ID: MuleName: Mule SettingsDescription: Custom settigns for Mule integrations

  10. Click apply and then click the Edit link for the new group
  11. Click the ellipsis (...) to the left of the Add button
  12. In the search area, type Mule and click Find
  13. Select both Mule custom preferences and click Select
  14. Click << Back to return to the Site Preferences object settings page

Configure custom properties

The synchronization process requires the addition of custom properties to
associate a master identifier with each of the Profile and Order objects.
These properties must be created as follows:

  1. Click Administration > Site Development > System Object Types
  2. Click on the Order object link
  3. Select the Attribute Definitions tab
  4. Click the New button and add the following attribute:

    ID: masterSalesOrderIdDisplay Name: Master Sales Order IDHelp Text: Identifies the master sales order an item is associated with.Value Type: String

  5. Click Apply
  6. Select << Back to List and click on the Product object link
  7. Select the Attribute Definitions tab
  8. Click the New button and add the following attribute:

    ID: masterProductIdDisplay Name: Master Product IDHelp Text: Identifies the master product an item is associated with.Value Type: String

  9. Click Apply
  10. Select << Back to List and click on the Profile object link
  11. Select the Attribute Definitions tab
  12. Click the New button and add the following attribute:

    ID: masterPartyRoleIdDisplay Name: Master Party Role IDHelp Text: Identifies the master party role a customer profile is associated with.Value Type: String

  13. Click Apply

This completes the configuration.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onJan 31, 2022
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