Accelerator B2C Plugin Instore Pickup Cartridge - Source

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The B2C Commerce instance requires a service definition that must be configured to interact with the Mule API.

Configuring the Service Definition

The following describes how to configure the service definition for the cartridge so that it can communicate with the B2C Commerce Experience API deployed in CloudHub.

To change the credentials for all deployments:

  1. In Business Manager, select Administration > Operations > Services:


  2. Click the Credentials tab:


  3. Edit the mule.auth-RefArch service credentials by clicking the credential name.

  4. If your site ID is not RefArch, update the suffix of the credential name and then replace RefArch with your site name.

  5. Use the following properties to configure the credentials for the service:
Property NameValueDescription
URLhttp://replacehostname/apiSpecify the URL to your B2C Commerce Experience API deployment
UserMule Integration API Client IDSpecify the Mule experience API client ID (use a dummy value if not known)
PasswordMule Integration API Client SecretSpecify the Mule experience API client secret (use a dummy value if not known)

After the service credentials properties are updated, click Apply to save your changes, and then click the << Back to List button:


Adjusting your SiteId

Use the following instructions if your site ID is not RefArch and you did not edit the endpoints.xml file before importing.

  1. Select the Services tab.

  2. Edit the mule.auth-RefArch service definition by clicking on the service name.

  3. Update the suffix of each service name and the log-prefix definition by replacing SiteId with your site name.

  4. Update the suffix of the credential name and replace *SiteId with your site name:


  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the service.

This completes the configuration. There is no need to modify the associated profile-mule profile.


OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onJan 31, 2022
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